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P. 16
Process Ideal Candidate Profile 2
During the initial stages of the recruit-
ment, K&A Recruiting will work with
timeline key stakeholders to define the Ideal We will profes-
Candidate Profile.
Tnansparent and sinally secure the
efficient process This step will typically take 2 weeks right placement
depending on availability.
for your team.
4 Launch: Ad Posting
3-4 months Visually-Appealing, Brochure layout and design. We will
Professional coordinate with your team to identify
relevant national, state, and local
Brochures government and industry sources
We are able to begin the recruit- where prospective candidates are
ment process immediately upon likely to be found. We will compile
receipt and execution of a contract
or professional service agreement, our recommendations into an Ad List
30-Day Application Window 6
or purchase order, etc. and share it with your team for easy
Executive search efforts gener- Once the brochure goes live, the ap-
ally take three to four months to plication window remains open for 30
complete days. During which time, K&A Re-
cruiting’s focus on modern sourcing
techniques expand the candidate pool
We work as an extension of your to create a more diverse and effective
Presentation of Candidate
Liability We will support the 10 Recommendations
Coverage levels of coverage and
endorse the District We will conduct pre-screens and as- Our team will prepare an Applicant
with our general li- semble our recommendations based
ability coverage Materials Binder for review by key
on each conversation. stakeholders.
This digital interactive tool will
ENTUDEM TEBULTIL HOCTUM ETILIS EGO Approximately 3-4 Completion of Interviews 14 Questions, evaluation
include clear written analysis.
tools, and user-friendly
We will advise and develop interview-
ing strategies and a set of key ques-
on-site interview
tions that will help analyze candi-
dates’ qualifications.
months to
Our firm will provide oversight dur-
ing the panel-interview process and
facilitate a focused discussion among
panel members at the conclusion of 16 Acceptance
the interviews to identify the most K&A Recruiting will facilitate and lead
qualified candidates for the hiring
K&A Recruiting | 2019 workplace for your team interviews. the negotiations of the final terms
Our goal is to create a better
and conditions of employment, such
as the compensation package, ben-
efits, and other prequisites. We will
notify all candidates not selected.