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Diversity. Innovation.
Many of our clients use our
services year in, year out be-
cause of our forward thiking K&A Recruiting embraces diversity and inclusion, which gives us a com-
appraoch and commitment prehensive advantage when building modern and effective candidate
to success. pools.
All candidates are afforded the full opportunity to
submit applications in response to each opening
and are never discriminated against.
We are building data models, understanding trends,
and to developing a bigger picture understanding of
the unique candidate markets in which we work.
1984 35-years of experience successfully placing Point-Factor analsysis Placing Women and Minority Candidates for Visually-
prvides a full and well-
Tools, Col-
women and minority candidates in many of
informed picture of
our recruitments has made us experts.
each candidate.
Public Sector Recruiting Since
K&A Recruiting is a full-spectrum,
public-sector recruitment services VAST POOL SOURCING &
firm that is a subsidiary of Koff & OF RESOURCES ADVERTISING
Associates. Network of Diverse Modern Tools &
Professionals Techniques
We tailor our outreach
Being a State-registered
small business, our firm according to the specifics
has a vast pool of resourc- of the opportunity using
es at our fingertips when a variety of sourcing
designing a successful strategies across different
advertising campaign. social media sites, and
across the web.
These include a network
Visit our website of diverse profession- In addition, we have
worked with clients who
To learn more about us, please visit: als from whom we can value diversity and have request referrals, and a requested specific job
ment/ pool of candidates from
prior recruitments. boards, for which we have
a library of resources.