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Our Team
K&A Recruiting is a subsidiary of the
Private CA Corporation
larger Koff & Associates firm.
Our entire firm consists of 26 people, 6 of which support the recruitment
team at any-given time. #2785458
CA State-certified Small
Business Enterprise
We have been assisting
Georg Krammer cities, counties, special
districts, JPAs, public
agencies, and non-profit
organizations wiht their
recruiting needs for
Georg brings over 20 years of management- 35-years.
level executive recruitment experience to Koff &
Richard O’Donnell
Recruitment Manager
As Co-Project Director with Georg, Richard will
lead the recruitment effort. He brings a forward-
thinking, innovative approach.
No subcontractors will be
assigned to this recruit-
Sarah Nunes
Headquarters are in Associate
Berkeley, CA
Sarah’s professional qualifications include over 19 years
of public sector experience with the Human Resources
Satellite offices: Southern Department of the City of San Jose. Starting at the analyst
California, Central Valley, level and eventually rising to the position of Employment An extension of your
and Sacramento. Division Manager, she gained extensive experience with
K&A Recruiting owns the entire recruiting process while providing guidance and
collaboration throughout.
Learn More About Our Team