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September 2007 – January 2012
             Secretary, City of Vallejo, Office of the Public Works Director
                •  Managed daily office operations, such as inventory and office supply ordering, requisition and purchase
                    order management, personnel action requests, PW conference room calendar, correspondence,
                    account receivables and payables for the divisions of Engineering, Recycling and Transportation, payroll,
                    and records management;
                •  Drafted correspondence, data entry, scanning, and tracking of CA Preliminary Notices on Capital
                    Improvement Projects;
                •  Supervised and processed permit approvals for special events, parades, street closures, block parties,
                    and residential and commercial parking permits;
                •  Reconciled taxi scrip, ferry and bus ticket inventory and sales, as well as maintained a qualified users’
                    spreadsheet to reconcile usage and sales;
                •  Reviewed and approved taxi scrip applications for eligibility and processed identification cards for the
                    Taxi Scrip Program;
                •  Assisted with staff reports through formatting, revisions, tracking items for future’s list, and final
                    submittal to Office of the City Clerk; and
                •  Provided administrative support to the Public Works Director, City Engineer, and Transportation

             May 2005 – September 2007
             Customer Service Representative, City of Vallejo, Finance Department
                •  Provided exceptional customer service and annotation to the customer’s billing account;
                •  Processed billing for water accounts and final water billings;
                •  Calculated fees and processed 48-hr notices, return check notices, and delinquent account notices;
                •  Performed leak allowance evaluations, qualifications, calculations, and adjustment determinations on
                    an account basis;
                •  Reviewed accounts, authorized and approved payment plans for delinquent accounts, approved late
                    payment adjustments, and authorized new water service accounts;
                •  Worked with the collection agency and customers to clear up delinquent accounts prior to approving
                    new water service accounts;
                •  Reconciliation of a daily cashier drawer; and
                •  Provided mentorship and support to the Cashier Clerks.

                                                  EDUCATION AND KNOWLEDGE
                ❖  Executive Master’s Degree in Public Administration            Golden Gate University, San Francisco, CA
                    Graduated Summa Cum Laude
                    December 2016
                ❖  Bachelor’s Degree in Business Management                           Golden Gate University, San Francisco, CA
                    Concentration in Human Resources Management
                    Graduated Summa Cum Laude
                    August 2015
                ❖  Associate of Arts Degree in Liberal Arts                                   Diablo Valley College, Pleasant Hill, CA
                    Graduated with Honors                                                                       Solano Community College, Fairfield, CA
                    May 2003
                ❖  Coursework in Principles of Accounting, Organizational Behavior, Advanced Business Writing, Research Writing,
                    Management and Leadership Strategy, Human Resources Management, Organizational Development and Leadership,
                    Risk Management and Insurance Management, and Budgeting and Financial Management
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