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•  Human Resource changes include researching and selecting a new vendor for background checks,
                  development of an onboarding checklist and exit interview checklist for retirees/terminations,
                  development of a reference check document, development of interview questions for phone
                  screenings, first interviews and second interviews, revisions and development of new sections of the
                  Admin Code, office procedures, and policies; etc.;
              •  Records Manager for the agency; manage records retention and records destruction; implemented a
                  Records Destruction Form and Certification of Destruction;
              •  Coordinator for Public Records Act requests;
              •  Ensure compliance with AB 1234 Local Ethics training, Political Reform Act, The Brown Act, California
                  Public Records Act, lobbyist reporting Forms 635-640, Form 806 Public Official Appointments, SB 272
                  Disclosure of Enterprise Systems, and AB 1661 Sexual Harassment Prevention training, etc.;
              •  Manage Form 700 filings in NetFile for staff, the Authority Board, and numerous committees consisting
                  of approximately 150 filers; ensure timely filing with the County Clerk for 87200 filers; maintain the
                  NetFile database and a parallel tracking system outside of NetFile; implemented electronic filing
                  through NetFile for the agency;
              •  Process resolutions, ordinances, contracts, Notice of Completions, newspaper publications and
                  recorded documents; attest Board Chair’s signature on legislative history;
              •  Review and recommend policy and administrative improvements including changing the style of
                  minutes from verbatim to action with brief summary, adding the clerk’s signature to the minutes,
                  changing the attest to the Clerk instead of the Executive Director on all agreements and amendments,
                  adding a vote count to the Resolution template, having my position added to the Director’s Executive
                  Team, adopting an ordinance to revise the administration code to allow digital and electronic signatures
                  and documents, and allowing a non-voting representative to also serve as a voting Board Member
                  alternate, etc.;
              •  Assisted with development of Request for Proposals for a strategic plan, State and Federal legislative
                  services, and communications and marketing services; reviewed proposals and sat on the panels to view
                  the vendor presentations and select vendors; recommended splitting the communications and
                  marketing services scope between two vendors and it was approved;
              •  Implemented OneSpan Sign for digital signatures; and
              •  In the process of implementing an Automated Agenda Workflow System, switching to a new electronic
                  document management system, seeking Board approval of a merit-based policy for performance
                  reviews; and switching from metered postage to

           January 2012 – February 2016
           Deputy City Clerk (Position reclassified in 2015 from Executive Secretary to Deputy City Clerk)
           City of Vallejo, Office of the City Clerk, 555 Santa Clara Street, Vallejo, CA
              •  Recommended operational improvements based on research and analysis. Identified cost savings
                  opportunities and product enhancements. Obtained quotes through development of informal requests
                  for quotes, performed analysis, conducted Q&A, and negotiated pricing with vendors for purchase of a
                  citywide postage machine, copier, and inserter-folder. Identified a decrease in cost-savings for mail
                  courier service and cancelled the service for cost savings to the general fund;
              •  Managed daily office operations, consisting of providing training to staff, quality checking intern’s work,
                  and management of the City Clerk’s office in the clerk’s absence, processing payroll, personnel action
                  requests, personnel requisitions, inventory and office supply ordering, mail services, maintenance of
                  calendars for Council Chambers, conference room and City Clerk’s calendar;
              •  Maintained and developed City Clerk’s web pages, including updating electronic applications for boards
                  and commissions and elections-related information. Developed and maintained an online City Calendar
                  for all city-sponsored events, meetings, recruitments, and open topics;
              •  Implemented online submittal of applications and supplemental questionnaires through Formstack;
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