Page 13 - KCWD - Proposal - 08 22 19
P. 13
1 Phase 2 Phase
1. Ideal Candidate Profile Development 1. Candidate Pool Development
2. Brochure Design 2. K&A Conducted Pre-Screens
3. Launch: Advertising and Marketing
3. Candidate Recommendations
We tailor our outreach according to the specifics of the posi-
Professionally tion using a variety of sourcing tools and techniques across
Designed Brochure different social media sites, and across the web.
In dialogue with Top candidates will
Library of key be personally inter-
Resources stakeholders viewed to further
narrow the pool to
K&A Recruiting will as- only the most highly
Advertisements are sist in identifying the qualified candidates
prepared and placed for specific needs of and and to further es-
publication. key competencies and tablish best organi-
characteristics. zational fit of each
We will develop an ad potential finalist.
list identifying relevant We will gain an under-
sources where prospec- standing of goals and Strongest Candidates We will submit for
tive candidates are priorities with regard in the industry. review, clear written
likely to be found. We to selection criteria, recommendations
will employ a variety selection process, and analysis, typi-
of outreach strategies, timeline and evalu- Point-Factor cally recommend-
including social media. ation. Analysis ing between 6-12
3 Phase 4 Phase
Interview Preparation & 1. Background and References
Interviews 2. Offer and Final Terms of Employment
3. Storage of Records and Ongoing Communication
We will conduct exten-
sive reference checks Start Date Determined
for final candidates.
Thorough background
check process compli- Professional and Fair
ant with CA law will Negotiations
also be administered.
We are committed to
ensuring a smooth
Working closely with your team, we will develop a transition post-start.
set of key questions.
We will guide communications with management, candidates, Placement
and panelists, so that all parties are well-prepared for the Evaluation Forms We believe all candidates,
interviews. regardless of their qualifica-
We will provide moderation during the interview process and tions and success, deserve
facilitate a focused discussion among the panelists at the Appplicants receive the courtesy and respect of
conclusion of the interviews to identify the most qualified ongoing communica- being informed throughout the
candidates for to move forward. process.
tions via our office.