Page 3 - Proposal Template
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K&A Recruiting embraces
diversity and inclusion
our and innovative advances available to
Services the recruiting industry, which gives us a
comprehensive advantage in com-
parison to less-progressive recruiting
35 Years of Public Sector Recruiting
Diversity Innovation STYLE
We focus on diversity Many of our clients We specialize in
executive and hard-
and inclusion to de- use our recruitment to-fill positions. Our
velop candidate pools services year in, year process is designed
that reflect the demo- out because of our in- to be visually friendly
graphic in your com- novation and commit- and concise yet thor-
munity. ment to success. ough.
K&A Recruiting is a full CA Certified Small Business (#27854
spectrum, public-sector By staying at the forefront of our industry through the incorporation of
technology and diversity, all candidates are afforded the full opportu-
Recruiting firm nity to submit applications in response to each opening and are not
discriminated against. In this way we develop candidate pools repre-
sentative of the demographic in your community.