Page 6 - Proposal Template
P. 6

Project Details


                         05                Interview preparation

                                           Working with the City, we will advise and develop interviewing strat-
                                           egies and a set of key questions. We will also contact, organize, and
                                           assemble panelists as needed.

                          phase 03
                                                 questions          on-site Binders

                                          Facilitation of interviews
                         06                Our firm will provide oversight during the intervew process and

                                           facilitate a focused discussion to identify the most qualified can-
                                           didates. The interview panel will narrow the field of candidates
                                           to two or three finalists who are then asked back for a second
                                           and final interview. We are well versed on the various formats
                                           second-round interviews can take, and can advise according to
                                           the specifics of each position.
                          Phase 03

                                                 organize         skilled moderation

                                          Backround, reference checks, and offer
                         07               Our team will conduct thorough reference and background

                                          checks for select candidates. We will facilitate and leaad negoti-
                                          ations and final terms and conditions of employment as needed.

                         phase 04
                                                  thorough            balanced

                                          maintenance of records and ongoing communication
                         08               We are responsible for ensuring compliance with and estab-
                                          lishing and maintaining all legally mandated documentation
                                          throughout the process.

                                          In addition to the steps of the process leading to an offer of em-
                                          ployment to the top candidate, we are committed to ensuring
                                          that the new incumbent’s transition into the new position will
                                          be smooth and successful.
                         PHASE 04
                                              Modern software    successful transition
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