Page 28 - Play Onwards Vol. 1.asd
P. 28

Play Onwards                                              Volume 1

              18. Mrs. Jones told the pesky dog to scram
                   “__ __ __ __ __ !"

              19. There were no door prizes to be raffled off, no Boy's Clubs
                   to be built; it was just a __ __ __ __scam that
                   should land the organizers in jail.

20. Every Thanksgiving candied __ __ __ __yams are served to children
     who in turn leave them untouched.

                           sham swam Spam tram wham
21. His having a sprained ankle was a sham __ __ __ __ to get out of

     football practice.
22. She __ __ __ __ swam the full length of the pool under water.
23. The wind caused the boat to __ __ __ __slam hard into its berth.
24. __ __ __ __Spam is a processed food from pigs.

25. The __ __ __ __tram will arrive on track 2 at 5

              jamb  lamb  graham

26. For a snack, she ate some graham__ __ __ __ __ __ crackers.

27. Don't bang the door—the __ __ __ __ jamb is loose and might break

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