Page 30 - Play Onwards Vol. 1.asd
P. 30

Play Onwards                                           Volume 1

              lamp ramp scamp stamp tamp

10. That __ __ __ __ lamp takes a 60-watt light bulb.

11. The postal clerk sold her a book of twenty stamps __ __ __ __ __

12. The fence won't stay up long if the posts aren't  __ __ __ __
     __ __tamped firmly.

13. Fans clapped their hands and stamped__ __ __ __ __ __ __
       their feet.

14. The parking garage has one __ __ __ __ramp going up and one ramp
     __ __ __ __ coming down.

15. Whenever __ __ __ __  __ramps are in season, mother puts them
     in our salads.

16. "Those little __ __ __ __ __  __scamps are up to mischief
     again!" said Mrs. Jones.

                                        tramp vamp revamp
17. His uncle warned him, "Don't be fooled, she is a tramp__ __ __ __

     __ — she does not want your heart, just your wallet."
18. For four days we soldiers __ __ __ __ __ __ __ tramped

     through thick woods and wet fields.

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