Page 33 - Play Onwards Vol. 1.asd
P. 33

Play Onwards                                                 Volume 1

                            scan span tan than van

18. The horses were __ __ __ __ __ __vanned to a show five
       hundred miles away.

19. The flagbearer was in the __ __ __van of the parade, followed closely
       by the marching band.

20. The Golden Gate Bridge       __ __ __ __spans the bay, connecting San
       Francisco and Sausalito.

21. Young children have a very short attention span __ __ __ __.

22. She didn't have enough time to __ __ __ __scan the book, let
       alone read it closely.

23. Being light-skinned, she never got a dark tan __ __ __.

24. Is eight one more __ __ __ __,than, seven?

Play Onwards, Work On Words, and The Red Well-Read
Reader — all are great fun!

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