Page 193 - TRWRR 6-8-2017_Neat
P. 193
The Red Well-Read Reader
Story 345
Precocious Jewel
Jewel was two when she quit dripping drool. At three she began swimming in
the pool. At six she no longer feared the dentist's drilling tool.
At 13 she acted too "very cool" and broke nearly every rule. A year hence,
however – when told she might flunk out of school – she quickly realized that all
along she had been one big, ig•no•min•i•ous fool.
Story 346
He Bride and the Gloom
The bride felt like a beau•ti•ful blossom in bloom, for soon her fortune was
about to boom. She was about to assume – perhaps totally consume – the wealth
of her groom.
She was planning to spend lav•ish•ly on perfume, and to re-do his every room.
She would presume to hire a maid in costume to whom to present with broom and
The poor groom was soon to feel gloom. He would learn that big problems were
going to loom. Sorely he felt need for elbow room ! He thought about getting into
his car and zoom. But from the time in his mother's womb, somehow he knew of
this in•ev•i•ta•ble doom. So instead he would search for his soon-to-be tomb.