Page 195 - TRWRR 6-8-2017_Neat
P. 195

The Red Well-Read Reader

                                                                                                    Story 350

                                               Their Guilt Is Moot

                                 A "crazy coot" and a "big galoot" were ac•cused of stealing

                                 loot.  The case was widely bruited.  The public loudly hooted.

                                 The two they wanted uprooted.

              In court, the judge asked the brutes with whom were they in cahoots, the

         whereabouts of the loot, and the reason they had to shoot.  They answered, "We

         didn't need any recruit to help us spend the loot.  And we don't give a hoot about

         winning this here dispute.  Anything that we say you'll refute or at•tempt to


              Then the judge threatened to dress them in a zebra suit and scoot them off to

         jail by the shortest route.  During recess, however, they swallowed a piece of

         tainted (poi•son•ous) fruit.  So whether they were actually guilty is a question to

         be left forever moot.

                                                                                                       Story 351

                               The Fuhrer Causes a Furor

        Although Adolph Hitler was Germany's Fuhrer, his mind was
        in the sewer.  He said at once he wanted his country's

        e•co•nom•ic woes to cure and to make his Ar•y•an race pure.

         So he devised the di•a•bol•i•cal plan to make another race

        fewer.  Con•se•quent•ly this started World War II by inciting

        the West into furor.

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