Page 190 - Stories Eng & Span
P. 190
Story 130
The swordsman was fierce, with an excellent tierce.
Any offense to him, even the merest, intended or not, had
his opponents always in tears, shaken by fears, knowing
likely he would slash off their ears.
And after each duel, the cruel Pierce, was wont to
celebrate, imbibing wine straight from a tierce.
Tierce: a parry stroke as well as a cask or keg. Change: merest to merest.
Story 131
As His Number Neared
As his draft number neared the more cowardly he appeared. His eyes
continuously teared, so much they be-soaked his beard. He feared,
that for war he could never conscientiously be geared.
Friends warned him that if he fled to
Canada, his good name would be
smeared, and that people would say he
is a little bit weird. Nevertheless, with
vision bleared, he deserted until the
smoke in Viet Nam cleared.