Page 5 - C:\Documents and Settings\Compaq_Administrator\My Documents\Work On Wordsvol1 2017.docx
P. 5

several selections in blue that follow in the larger box. (Each choice is

               heard by a click of the mouse.)

               After doing this, students should attempt to match each dark-red word

               with a corresponding blue word or phrase. If unable to do so (which will
               often be the case), they should simply move to the next word or exercise.

               Because both Work on Words workbooks together, as well as the two Play
               Onwards  workbooks,  contain  virtually  every  monosyllabic  word  in  the

               English language and many of their numerous meanings, a parent/teacher
               should  always  be  near at hand to answer  their  children’s  never-ending

            TTS (Text-to-Speech)

               The PDF’s files of the workbooks have a built-in Adobe “Read Out Loud”

               feature. (See our website for details to activate and use it.) This feature
               enables the reader to click on any word, phrase, or sentence and hear it

               pronounced immediately.

               The free Natural Reader may be used in lieu of Adobe’s built-in reader.
               However, the words must be selected before they  are read out loud.
               Nevertheless, it has a distinct advantage in that it allows users to see each

               word as it is read. (See:

               Natural Reader has another function, an indispensable one. It is to be used
               after  the  user  is directed  to  the  online When online,

               however,  only  parents  should  use  this  incredible  tool,  as  it  is  far  too
               complicated for young children.


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