Page 7 - C:\Documents and Settings\Compaq_Administrator\My Documents\Work On Wordsvol1 2017.docx
P. 7

Exercise 1

                           blab           cab           dab           crab          drab

                    to complain __________

                      a shellfish ____________

                dull or colorless ____________

                                       a small amount, pat ____________

                reveal a secret ____________                           taxi ____________

                                    swab, daub; a light tap ____________

                                  lab       jab         nab        gab        grab

                      jabber, chatter __________                   to catch a crook __________

                          workroom __________                            a punch __________

                                           to take hold ____________

                                      slab         stab        tab        Tab

                crust of a wound __________                                a label __________

              to pierce with a knife _________                      a diet soft drink __________

                    a thick irregular piece (such as butter or concrete) __________

                 to take a chance __________                       a bill, chit, or check __________
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