Page 6 - C:\Documents and Settings\Compaq_Administrator\My Documents\Work On Wordsvol1 2017.docx
P. 6
• The correct word choice is usually a synonym, but now and then it may
be either a description or an example.
• Often, a vocabulary word is used twice or thrice, while other words in
the same grouping might be used only once. Hence, the process of
elimination is usually not helpful.
• Light blue italicized vocabulary words signify an anomalous pronunciation
different from the other words in its grouping.
• Most vocabulary words herewith have good fidelity. However, a small
number of them are marginal. And those few that would be
mispronounced grossly were they audible are only seen. (When such a
word is clicked on, the user will hear “blank” or nothing at all).