Page 356 - Eng & Span for flipbook 2
P. 356
Story 286
Impossible to Rouse
All night long some guys and gals like to browse, then in the morn
they're impossible to rouse.
Not until noon do they put on a shirt or blouse, call their pals, or start
to unhouse.
Idleness they don't actually espouse, but instead of work, they would
much rather carouse.
Story 287
War in the Corps
When Georgie Moore turned
twenty-four he had to go to war.
First,he thought about the Air Corps, but he knew not how to soar.
Next, he thought about the Navy, but he knew not how to oar. So, he settled on the
Marine Corps, to be first on foreign shore, as in the taking of Corregidor.
As cannons started to roar and bullets to pour, Georgie was slow to hit
the floor, and one caught him smack in the posterior. So now he's back
on our home shore knocking on Death's door.