Page 358 - Eng & Span for flipbook 2
P. 358
Story 288
The Pirates of Yore
In the days of yore, pirates were feared on every
shore. They wreaked suffering and gore, stealing
silver and stores of other precious ores.
In 1801 Thomas Jefferson became really sore. He called the Barbary
pirates "rotten to the core," and solemnly swore he'd settle the score.
And this he did by an all-out war, ending it forevermore.
Story 289
A Sale No One Ignored
When wood dropped to $40 a cord, it was a price everyone could easily
A horde of people came from every ward. Some ferried across a
fjord. Others hopped aboard boats and oared. Everyone wanted as
much as he could possibly hoard. However, woodsman McCord was able
to accord each person just one cord.
Still all thanked the Lord and sang a joyous chord.