Page 27 - International Psychics Directory 2017
P. 27


       How to Get

       the Most Out

       of a Reading

       By Deniz Batuk

              ho gets the most   Although my speciality is   when a client smiles and   Hectic is the right
              from a psychic     traditional Turkish coffee   acknowledges, ‘Oh yeah, he   word to describe the
       W reading? I would        readings, I use many      would have said that!’       last twelve months!
       argue it’s an optimist,   techniques to help my clients                          Thanks to your
       someone who’s relaxed,    such as reading objects, eyes   To get the most from a   continuing trust, I
       keeps hope and is prepared   and hands or connecting   reading, look for specifics.   have been awarded
       to get in and feel better.   with spirits. Being able to see   Ask questions to get more   the Psychic People’s
                                 the past clearly can be more   detail if you are unclear about   Choice Award with
       My coffee cup and I are mere   useful than looking into the   something. Be open to seeing   votes coming from
       tools to guide you through the   future because sometimes we   your journey from an outsider’s   places I have never
       millions of available paths. I can   need to look back at critical   viewpoint and tackle your   been—except via
       direct you, but it is your choice   junctures and reflect. In all   future with optimism and hope.   Skype or phone
       to take my advice. I believe in   cases, I aim to give my clients   In the end, regardless of what   sessions—making
       my client’s intuition and insight.   specific information they can   a psychic or anyone else says,   2016 an incredibly
       In most cases, I believe you   relate to. For example, if I am   your destiny is in your hands!     valuable experience
       already know the possible   connecting with a relative in                        for me and my cat
       solutions to your problems, but   spirit, messages bypass my                     assistant, Shelby.
       hearing answers from someone   conscious mind and strange   Visit Deniz online at www.  Thank you!
       else validates your inner feelings   statements slip out of my  – Deniz Batuk
       and gives you perspective.   mouth. It is most satisfactory

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         West End, Brisbane                                         Phone: 07 4775 5939
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          Tung Kong Chow’s Family Praying Mantis   Health168

                   294 Montague Rd
                   West End 4101
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