Page 22 - International Psychics Directory 2017
P. 22


            Activate Your

            Seven Psychic Clairs

            By Anna Comerford

                     veryone has       CLAIRVOYANCE              sense. Sometimes a person   hearing. Sometimes I hear
                     the potential     clear seeing or vision    may pick up on thoughts of   specific words being said,
                     to psychically                              people around them (called   while other times it’s more
                     and intuitively   You may experience psychic   mental telepathy). This   like an energetic or telepathic
            E use their extra          visions by having vivid   happened to me once, when I   communication that I ‘hear’.
            senses to assist in tapping   dreams, visions, mental   was in a school staffroom with
            into a greater wisdom. I   images and mini-movies    other teachers in a primary
            would like to introduce    that flash in your awareness.   school where I worked. I heard  CLAIRTANGENCY
            you to the seven psychic   You may also see colours   a sentence trickle through   clear touching (may be known
            clairs. Clair is French and   around people, plants and   my mind but to my surprise   as psychometry)
            means ‘clear’. Which of the   animals; have a good sense   knew it wasn’t my thoughts.
            following senses do you    of direction; easily visualise   I realised it was the lady   This is another form of
            think is the strongest for   solutions to problems; be good   sitting next to me as it directly   clairsentience. Clairtangency
            you?                       with visual-spatial problems   related to a conversation we’d   is also called psychometry. It’s
                                       and you may like rearranging   just had in another room.   when you get information from
                                                                 Luckily her thoughts were
                                                                                           touching an object, person
            CLAIRSENTIENCE             furniture. Clairvoyant people   nice and positive! If a spirit   or animal. It may be a hug,
                                       may have prophetic visions or
            clear feeling and sensing   dreams of the future. This is   is talking to you, it may feel   a handshake, brushing up
            (may be called clairempathy)  called precognition.   like it comes from outside   against someone or sitting
                                                                 your head and may be in a   in a chair used by someone
            This psychic sensing                                 slightly different octave to   else. You may get psychic
            is linked to emotions and   CLAIRAUDIENCE            the vibration of your own   impressions when you are
            feelings. Clairsentience is   clear hearing          thoughts. Depending on how   holding someone else’s
            often the first and easiest                          developed your clairaudience   jewellery, article of clothing or
            clair to develop as it’s   This is one of the last clairs   is, some people may be able   a letter.
            linked to gut feelings and   to develop. People who play   to decipher whether it’s a
            hunches. Most people       instruments, sing or write   male or female tone they are
            are usually able to sense   songs are usually auditory
            what’s going on around     so they may be good at this
            them. You may be able to
            sense if someone is sad or
            is not telling the truth. Our
            electrical nervous system
            has a psychic antenna that
            picks up different waves and
            vibrations of energy.

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