Page 21 - International Psychics Directory 2017
P. 21


       Make Your Psychic                                                             will make itself obvious later.
                                                                                     Focus your intention while
                                                                                     remaining open to answers
       Abilities Work For You                                                        that come your way.
                                                                                     4) KEEP A JOURNAL
       By Francis Bevan
                                                                                     Recording your psychic hits
                                                                                     helps increase their frequency
                                                                                     and intensity. It can be worth
                                                                                     noting whether you experience
                                                                                     the intuitive feeling as mild,
            ave you ever thought   more aware you are of your   2) SUSPEND YOUR      moderate or strong. It can also
            about a friend you   intuition and sense of self,   DISBELIEF            help if you record associations
       Hhaven’t spoken to for    the more your psychic                               or any symbolic meaning you
       months and then suddenly   abilities will work for you.   Your psychic senses and   attach to the experience. What
       they ring you out of the                            intuition won’t seem to occur   details or associations stood
       blue? Or had a job offered   1) BE PRESENT          as readily when you are in an   out the most to you? What
       you just when thinking you                          analytical or logical thinking   was it about the experience
       needed to make a change?   Your psychic abilities and   mode. It is most important   that contributed most to the
       Or been faced with an     intuition happen more readily   to be responsive to your   strength of your psychic
       insurmountable obstacle,   when you are in a somewhat   intuition—it helps to follow your   connection? Even if you can’t
       then unexpectedly met     free or playful state of mind.   gut.               explain why you sensed
       someone who gave you the   It is important to be in the                       something, a compelling
       very guidance needed to   present moment and to have   3) TAKE NOTICE         meaning could arise without
       tackle it? If so, then you have   your senses attuned outwardly.              effort in the future.
       experienced your psychic   Be ready to respond to what   You don’t have to be able to
       abilities at work. This is a   you sense and encounter   put your finger on why you
       gift that guides you along   in a symbolic way, and   might have had an intuitive   Francis Bevan, celebrity
       your life path and helps you   allow yourself to be open   feeling; the reason sometimes   psychic, author and presenter
       tap in to your own intuition   to whatever connections or   only becomes clear after the   (
       and spiritual sense. The   associations arise in your mind.  event. If it has meaning, it

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