Page 16 - International Psychics Directory 2017
P. 16


                                       you get one. He also tells me   she and her husband were   grandfather’s portrait. The man
                                       he comes from a certain part   moving to a retirement village,   in the photo was the man from
                                       of England and that you will   and there was no guarantee   my meditation. During that visit
                                       become aware of five things   they would have the same   I also came to realise the five
                                       that happened on the same   number. Everything but their   things that happened on the
                                       day in May.’ I was amazed   essentials were packed up in   same day in the same month.
                                       and shared with her all I’d   boxes. She thought she had
                                       received in my meditation the   a photo of my grandfather in   In the family tree book, I
                                       day before.               there somewhere. She said   noticed our ancestors had
                                                                 she’d have a quick look, but I   emigrated from the area
                                       After returning to Hervey Bay,   might have to wait for them to   mentioned in my assessment
                                       I found a phone number for   unpack at the new address.   and had arrived in Australia
                                       my grandfather’s sister, Aunt   However, I didn’t have to wait   on 19 May (1). Aunt Hilda told
                                       Hilda, while cleaning out a   until then to finally meet Aunt   me my father had died on
                                       drawer in my office. I had   Hilda. She was so excited to   19 May (2) and that she was
                                       received this number many   hear from me and I went to   unable to attend the funeral
           “Aunt Hilda had             years before, but I had never   see her the very next day.   as her son had been born that
                                       met her. I kept trying the
                                                                                           day (3). My parents had been
           opened just one             number, but no one answered,   I was so nervous I took a dear   married on 19 May (4), and
            of her packing             so I took it home and tucked   friend with me. I pulled up   by coincidence, my husband’s
                                                                 outside the house and Aunt
                                       it away safely thinking I would
                                                                                           parents were also married on
           boxes and there             try again one day.        Hilda, a lovely old lady, greeted   that day (5).
                                                                 me lovingly and said, ‘Guess
            on the top was             The next morning, a voice   what? I found a portrait of your   Finally, I had proof that I
          my grandfather’s             in my head told me, ‘Phone   grandfather, William, on top of   really was connecting during
                                       Aunt Hilda.’ The voice was
                                                                                           meditation. This information
                                                                 the first box I opened. Not only
          portrait. The man            relentless. It was 6 am—too   that, under it was a copy of our   could not possibly have
                                       early—so I called at 9 am.
                                                                                           come from my subconscious
                                                                 family tree. You and your sister
          in the photo was             It turned out she lived a few   are listed on it.’   and it felt as though it was
          the man from my              streets away from where I   Aunt Hilda had opened just   orchestrated by my grandfather
                                       worked and had lived there
                                                                                           from beyond. As a bonus, I
             meditation.”              for fifty years. And it was   one of her packing boxes   also had the blessing of getting
                                       lucky I called. In two weeks,   and there on the top was my   to know my great Aunt Hilda.
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