Page 15 - International Psychics Directory 2017
P. 15


       how I would get one—but he
       assured me that he would get
       a photo to me as proof. He
       also said I would find out about
       five events that happened
       on the same day in the same
       month. Afterwards, I madly
       wrote down everything from
       that meditation in my journal.

       The next day, I had a spiritual
       assessment booked with a
       tutor called Janet Parker. At a
       spiritual assessment, they do
       a reading that discusses your
       spiritual path. I had not met
       this tutor before and had told
       no one of my meditation the
       day before.

       As my assessment started,
       Janet said, ‘I know this is
       supposed to be a spiritual
       assessment, and not proof of
       evidence, but I have a man
       here who says he is your        “I was prepared to give my guides and meditation
       grandfather and that his name
       is William.’ I told her I didn’t   the opportunity to provide the proof I was looking
       know enough about him to be
       able to confirm it to which she   for, once and for all. So, I enrolled in a course at The
       replied, ‘Well he is saying you            Arthur Findlay College in the UK.”
       have asked for a photo of him
       and that he is going to ensure

    Australian                          Sara King
     Psychic of

       the Year                               PSYCHIC MEDIUM
         2015                     …I sense and see those that have passed…


       Readings on PsychicTV • Skype show on

           With the wisdom of hindsight Sara realises that the things
             she knew and the colours she saw as a teenager, were
          really the gifts of being a medium, which she has developed

                 into a fulltime, professional mediumship career.
            With a combination of mediumship, tarot cards and psychometry,
             Sara’s connection with her Guides, gives you a reading of depth
                  and insight enabling you to move forward in your life.

      Sara lives in Orange NSW, reading locally for country and outback NSW as well as doing phone and
   Skype readings around Australia. She teaches classes and workshops to help others develop their intuition
                and psychic ability and Sara visits homes to clear houses of spooky visitors.
             j Personal, phone, Skype or group readings j Classes and Workshops
        j Psychic readings for love, career, business j Clearing houses of spooky visitors
                    j Mediumship readings to connect you with those passed

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