Page 19 - International Psychics Directory 2017
P. 19
in your mind, Auset, Auset, gaze into a natural clear quartz In Ancient Egypt, no major
PROPHECY Auset, please come to me crystal ball to activate your third decisions in the ruling of the
eye ability. As a profession
country or in life were made
now. See her in your mind as
wearing a white dress with blue psychic, I always start my without going through similar
readings by invoking Goddess
energy wings and standing
rituals. Today, we often feel
AND ALCHEMY behind you. Then, ask her to Auset before using my own upset when great difficulties
send healing blue energy into oracle cards to answer the affect us. But, perhaps, if we
your body and wisdom into initial questions a client might take the time out to meditate
in Ancient Egypt your mind. Applying some good have. I then hold my crystal and scry and consult our
ball in my hands to trance
quality, sacred frankincense
favourite oracle cards, then
oil to your hands and brow channel Auset—her words just listen to the powerful beings
and Modern Times first helps deepen your trance. flow through me. My obsidian of light here to guide us,
challenging situations could be
mirror I use to scry for images
After a few minutes of deep
breathing and visualising
Auset, you can then continue of more everyday predictions, averted or at least modified.
such as the stock market or
By Elisabeth Jensen
your meditations for direct future world events. With Blessings from The
inspiration or consult your tarot Goddess Auset
or oracle cards for guidance. For best results, before
you know how to do it and then In this relaxed state you can consulting oracle cards, it’s
actually take the steps. Your easily access your intuition. important to be in a relaxed Elisabeth Jensen is the principal
own future is the easiest to trance state. If you have cards of Auset Temple Healing and
change, so please remember with pictures of gods and has visited Egypt nine times.
to focus on positive changes MODERN-DAY goddesses on them, before She was voted Australian
for yourself first—meditation, SCRYING FOR reading the card’s meaning Psychic of the Year for 2010.
energy healing and hypnosis PROPHECY from the guidebook, you can Elisabeth is the author of
are wonderful tools for self- You can add spring water to a hold a card in your left hand, Auset Egyptian Oracle Cards:
alchemy. glass bowl along with a small, defocus your gaze, relax, then Ancient Egyptian Divination and
clear quartz crystal and a allow the divinity to give you Alchemy Cards, and teaches
The goddess Auset with her drop of frankincense oil for an a direct intuitive message. divination, channelling, sleep
powerful energy can be easily instant and easy scrying mirror. When reading for your clients temple hypnosis and Auset
invoked to assist you. Simply You could also use an obsidian you should know the cards healing throughout Australia
sit quietly with her picture or mirror, like Nostradamus did to well enough to just give them and Asia. Please visit www.
statue in your hand, then chant see the future of the world, or intuitive answers.
/KawenaGordon 19