Page 18 - International Psychics Directory 2017
P. 18
in Ancient Egypt
and Modern Times
By Elisabeth Jensen
he prophetess guidance and blessings. Years In the Sleep (or Hypnosis) goddesses it can be quite
in a temple in of training in deep trance and Temples of Ancient Egypt, confusing to know who to call
Ancient Egypt allowing the divine beings to the mind of the client was for, but in reality they are one.
was likely to be enter their bodies made it easy cleared and programmed for The goddess Isis is the modern
Ta highly-trained for the high priests to see the both emotional and physical name for the ancient goddess
high priestess of the past and future and give voice- healing and success in their of prophecy and alchemy called
goddess Auset, skilled in channelled messages plus future life, as well as receiving Auset, and she is seen as
seeing the future through solutions to difficult problems energy for physical healing. ‘the goddess of ten thousand
scrying using a lapis lazuli through the process of alchemy. This is a form of alchemy or names’ and is part of the divine
or obsidian crystal mirror or converting dense energy to feminine energy. The god Ptah
water in a crystal bowl. The ANCIENT EGYPTIAN a higher vibration or turning is known as ‘the architect of
idea that the tarot comes ALCHEMY lead into gold as such. the universe’, and I see him as
from Ancient Egypt is not For a widespread difficult the universal divine mind and
actually quite correct, but The process of seeing the situation, such as an enemy all the gods are part of him.
they did use hieroglyphic future of a situation can be approaching to invade the It’s wonderful though to know
symbols on small pieces of quite difficult if it’s not the country, much more energy they all specialise in different
papyrus scrolls as divination answer the client wants. to change the situation in the aspects of helping us; so it does
tools, so this would have Indeed, in Ancient Egypt, form of sacred magic was pay to call on, say, Goddess
been the forerunner of the prophecy was used more as needed to prevent the enemy Hathor for marriage difficulties
tarot we use today. a diagnostic tool and was not ever reaching the border. or on Goddess Bast, the cat
intended to be a complete Again, this was possible goddess, when you just want to
A strong connection to the process as many clients through the benevolence of have more fun in your life.
divinities through assuming seeking readings with a invoked gods and goddesses
the god or goddess form, or psychic believe today. Through who could create an energy Most modern oracle card decks
trance channelling, as we know the process of alchemy, or barrier of safety. give suggestions on how best
it today, was also essential. sacred magic, the energy to handle difficult situations
The prophets of the powerful and Akashic Records of PROPHECY AND in life; so after giving yourself
Oracle Temple of Amun Ra the situation and client can ALCHEMY TODAY a reading, it’s always wise to
in Egypt were mainly high be cleared and changed to follow these steps for the best
priests who gave direct divine produce a more favourable So how can we call on the outcome of the situation. Your
messages to those willing to outcome—today we might ancient divinities and will they future is not fixed! You have the
track through the deserts for call this psychic healing and even speak to us today? power to change almost any
weeks or months to receive positive thinking. There are so many gods and future situation for the better if