Page 13 - International Psychics Directory 2017
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2016 People’s 2016 Simon
Choice Award Turnbull Award
Joy: During the eighties and nineties, Cliff
and I did mediumship demonstrations in
the media. We appeared on television collaboration between the International his award was introduced in
2015 in memory of Simon
with Ray Martin, Bert Newton, Andrew A Psychics Association and the International TTurnbull, the founder and
Psychics Directory, this award gives our readers
Denton, on A Current Affair and 60 the chance to vote for their favourite psychic much loved president of the
Minutes—many times with Simon contributor. This could be anyone appearing Australian Psychics Association and
Turnbull—and we always had leading anywhere in the Directory be it in advertising, International Psychics Association.
sceptics sitting next to us on shows. articles, photos or otherwise mentioned. This award goes to someone who
I’ve learnt there will always be has made a strong contribution
sceptics—for balance. People have the to the industry and had a spiritual
connection with Simon.
free will to believe or disbelieve in psychic Deniz Batuk
and spiritual phenomena. There are a lot
of believers because people have had In 2016, votes for Leela Williams
their own experiences. The best way to this award went to
educate a sceptic is to teach them how to thirty-eight psychics, Our 2016 recipient began working
get in tune with their emotions. Then, they but Deniz was a with Simon through different
can integrate this with mind and spirit. clear winner. Votes publications about fifteen years ago.
We are all born with the sixth sense. It’s came in for him In 2004, together with Simon and
not a gift. Being someone that cares for from Australia, Hiromi, Leela launched the annual
people is the gift. We are all born psychic. Turkey, the United publication, the Australian Psychics
Whether we want to use it negativity or Kingdom, Singapore, Directory. Publishing the Psychics
positively is up to us. Indonesia, Denmark, Directory was one of Simon’s
Estonia, Germany, India and Saudi Arabia strongest desires and it could not
What is in your future? giving testimony to his reach, his dedication have happened without her.
and his reputation. After Simon’s sudden passing,
Joy: We will continue to combine our love A psychic medium, Deniz offers readings Leela continued to support Hiromi
of caring for people, photography, cosplay in his home office and at events in Sydney, and the association tirelessly, both
and entertaining by helping children’s and by phone, email and Skype to people publishing the Psychics Directory
charities and volunteer organisations. I all over the world. Deniz began his work and organising the Awards Dinner.
am also writing a book based on our lives in Istanbul twenty-two years ago, and She made it possible to continue
and our mediumship. It is titled Windows uses clairsentience, clairvoyance and Simon’s lifework, especially at the
because for those who have passed on, clairaudience to provide insight and guidance. most challenging time for Hiromi and
it is like looking through a window. Cliff He specialises in ancient Turkish coffee the association.
has created a second edition of his very cup reading as well as hydromancy (water
popular numerology book, Ghostlovers reading).
Guide to Love, Life and Death. Both titles Deniz's first experience with mediumship
are soon to be published. goes back to his high school years in
Turkey when he did his first coffee grounds
Learn more about Joy Atkinson, Cliff reading for his best friend. His ability to
Dorian and The Lighthouse Spiritual deliver specific details and accurate psychic
Centre at predictions has steadily built his reputation
as an astute and caring reader. His Turkish
Nic Skuja is a self-styled, globetrotting coffee readings provide insight and guidance
mystic who has visited many sacred on a range of life issues such as self-
sites and studied under many New Age improvement, business issues, past lives and
luminaries. Nic is a gifted clairvoyant, he is also able to bring through messages Zoe Dorian, Leela Williams and Joy
energy worker and member of the IPA. from the other side. Atkinson at the 2016 IPA Awards Dinner.
Frances Walker. Psychic & Healer.
Fran has over thirty years of experience and is well-known in Canberra due to her many returning and referred clients.
An Accredited Usui Reiki Master Teacher, Fran has a Diploma in Angel Healing and is a Holistic Counsellor,
Certified Angel Intuitive and has studied many more modalities. She also runs RA (Reiki Australia), IICT
(International Institute for Complementary Therapists) and IPHM (International Practitioners of Holistic Medicine)
Accredited Usui Reiki Courses, IPHM accredited Angel Healing and much more.
Contact Fran for more information
Phone: 02 6294 4524 Mobile: 0413 442 055 Email:
Connect with Fran on Facebook “What I really appreciate about Fran, is that she is caring
Fran Walker’ Psychic and Spiritual Development Community Forum and warm. She is easy to talk to and I just love the reading
she gave me, it was accurate and so inspiring for me that I
All Psychic Readings “Fran, you have the most gentle heart and soul. Many will certainly be back to see Fran on regular basis. I would
and Healings by thanks for the wonderful Reiki healing you gave me recently. definitely recommend Fran for any reading. You won’t
Appointment Only. It’s been so long since I last felt this relaxed.” – Jan, ACT
regret it I know cause I have had one.” – Tommy, ACT