Page 11 - International Psychics Directory 2017
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PSYCHIC 2016 Psychic of the Year Award
OF THE — Australia
YEAR he Psychic of the Year Award is voted on by the members of the
International Psychics Association so the recipients have the honour of
AWARDS Thaving their work recognised by their peers. To be entitled to receive
an IPA Psychic of the Year Award, you must be a full member for three
consecutive years. The winner for 2016 was Suzie Price.
he Psychic
Awards were Suzie began communicating with spirits at
Tintroduced an early age after a near death experience.
She began using that ability to help
by the Australian others in her late twenties and has been
Psychics Association a professional medium for over fifteen
in 2004 and this years. Suzie’s reputation as a psychic
tradition continues grew through word of mouth and she had a
regular and growing customer base when
with the International she first joined the Psychics Association.
Psychics Since then, her reputation and profile has
Association. The continued to bloom and she is booked well
annual awards in advance for private readings.
acknowledge the In 2014, Suzie released her first book and
outstanding among she followed this by recording a full album
an extraordinary of uplifting spiritual songs. Suzie would
group of people. like to become better known internationally
so as she can help people on a global
level and we wish her all the best in that
Suzie Price endeavour.
Sara has run mediation and spiritual
An active and positive ambassador of the awareness groups, enjoys tarot, is a tai
psychic industry in Australia, Suzie received chi instructor and continues to enjoy her
widespread television, radio, magazine and psychic and mediumship work. She says
newspaper coverage in the twelve months she is often thanked by psychologists for
prior to receiving this award. She does the work she does as it seems to have a
readings five days a week and her desire beneficial impact for those grieving the loss
to help more people than she can reach of a loved one. Sara’s psychic journey has
one on one has her writing, giving group been a slow and steady one. She says this
demonstrations and regularly traveling with is important as it takes integrity, honesty
her psychic shows. Suzie also does regular and confidentiality to do this work, and she
platform at spiritualist churches and donates has been honing these skills alongside her
prizes to charities out of gratitude that she is psychic ability. Sara appears as a regular
able to help people through her work. guest on Psychic TV.
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Your future begins with right choices today.
2016 Psychic People’s Choice Award Winner
All appointments booked online at:
Twitter: Psychic Deniz Tel: 0406 985 290
Mailing: PO Box 213, Newtown, NSW, 2042, Australia