Page 12 - International Psychics Directory 2017
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2016 Psychic Hall of Fame Award
T he Hall of Fame Award is open to members of the International Psychics Association who have demonstrated a lifetime
commitment to the psychic field. Each recipient has a minimum of thirty years’ experience in their craft.
Shining the Light on Joy Atkinson and Cliff Dorian
2016 Hall of Fame Award Recipients
Interview by Nic Skuja
oy and Cliff founded The Lighthouse she could to get a message through.
Spiritual Centre in North Randwick, Melissa said, ‘You have just given me that
JSydney, in 1984. Originally founded message, thank you so very much.’
as a spiritualist church, the centre offers a This is just an example of how spirit
comprehensive range of psychic, spiritual works. We travelled all the way from
and healing services to the community. In Sydney to Los Angeles. Tara had the
the early days of the Australian Psychics urge to visit The Queen Mary and to have
Association, Joy and Cliff offered their high tea in the restaurant where Melissa
support and their premises for meetings worked. Her mother was somehow able
and lectures. During the transformation to coordinate all of this so she could get
from the Australian to the International the promised message through. It was a
Psychics Association, their friendship with connection I don’t think any of us will ever
Simon Turnbull and their relationship with forget.
the organisation became stronger.
The 1980s must have been an amazing
You’ve both had an incredible career time to be involved in the psychic field. It
spanning over three decades. What must have been interesting watching the
have been some of your highlights and industry grow and change shape. What
fondest memories? In 2015, Cliff and I went to Los Angeles insights can you share with our readers
for a month with our daughter Zoe and for navigating the psychic arena?
Joy: Many of our clients and students friend Tara. On our last day, we visited
who started exploring their spirituality with the cruise ship The Queen Mary and had
us have gone on to become professional high tea in the ship’s restaurant. When
psychics, healers and clairvoyants with our waitress, Melissa, started to serve
successful careers. Others have been our refreshments, we gently let her know
drawn to do demonstrations in the her mother was with her. Melissa told us
spiritualist church and have successful her mother had passed away suddenly,
careers as mediums. Our classes show just over a year before on her twenty-first
people how to contact their loved ones birthday, and that she missed her very
in spirit and how to control the direction much. We brought through messages
their paths take. Our classes have also from her mother. As we were leaving,
provided a supportive atmosphere for Melissa confided that her mother had
many people who have no family. The had a feeling she wasn’t going to have
more of us in medium work the better it is a very long life, and had promised that if
for the whole of society. she did pass on, she would do everything Joy Atkinson with Melissa in the
restaurant on The Queen Mary
Dianne Parker Dianne Parker runs the States of Grace College for Psychic & Mediumship Development
Awaken to Spirit! on the Northern Beaches. Dianne is a Psychic, Clairvoyant and Spiritual Medium, an experienced
Meditation Guide, Psychic Artist, accredited Spiritual Healer and Usui and Karuna Reiki Master.
Mona Vale & Since 2000, Dianne has studied and tutored in Australia and Internationally. She lovingly shares her
Coffs Harbour, NSW spiritual wisdom and knowledge, mostly gained from the acclaimed Arthur Findlay College in London.
Phone: +61 403 411 411 Dianne tutors with unconditional love and compassion to encourage the awakening of the spirit within. She nurtures the unfoldment for every student of their psychic potential, bringing wholeness and balance to body, mind and spirit.
Doreen Van Boxtel Psychic Tarot Reader and Numerologist. Reiki/Seichim Master Teacher.
Chios Master Teacher. A Teacher of Healing, Tarot, Numerology, Angels and Crystals.
Knowledge is Infinite Doreen uses her Clairsentience and Clairaudience in combination with her
Melbourne, VIC Tarot cards and Numerology to channel answers to guide you in all areas
of life, career, love and relationships and your finances. Doreen has been passionate about Healing, Tarot and Numerology for over twenty-five years. Professional Member of the Australian Reiki Connection. Graduate of Builders of the Adytum.
Mob: +61 415 558 425 Professional Member of the International Psychic Association. Member of IICT.
Association of Australian Professionals. Cert IV Assess’ & Wkplace Training.