Page 10 - International Psychics Directory 2017
P. 10
imagine that the ‘you’ asking
is separate from your psychic
part—like you are the one
visiting a wonderfully gifted
3. Listen
and observe
You could get some
impressions immediately; but
if not, don’t worry, give it a
bit of time to work, especially
if it’s the first time you’ve
tried. Sometimes it helps to
imagine a screen inside your
mind where images appear.
These might just be colours
or abstract shapes; some
memories from the past may
show up too.
Voices, sounds and music are
the next things to concentrate
on. Is someone speaking suddenly, you just know for
to you? What’s their tone of sure. It’s hard to describe, but
voice like? Is the voice yours when it happens there’s no
or does it belong to someone doubt, it’s just a pure flash of
you know? What are they psychic insight.
saying? Perhaps they are
singing or perhaps you can
hear music. Has a song or a 4. Return to the
tune popped into your mind? centre
What are the lyrics?
When you have enough
Also, pay attention to your information, or feel it’s time to
body and your emotions. leave, you should thank your
Do you feel unexplained higher self for its assistance
sensations in your body and return to the safe, centred
or are you experiencing spot in your mind. Stay
an unexpected emotional there until you feel equalised
reaction? Note any odd or again and ready to return to
pleasant feelings and think your world. Do so by gently
about what these might be stretching or moving while doesn’t immediately make a
trying to tell you. feeling grounded and stable. whole lot of sense. You may Narelle Scurr was voted
be surprised at how many Australian Psychic of the Year
Occasionally you will just If you still don’t have the coincidences and signs point 2014. She is the creator of
instantly know the answer to definitive answer you are you back to the things you The Rhythm of Life oracle
your question. You may have looking for, it helps to write have picked up, helping you deck. Visit her online at www.
had absolutely no idea what down what you remember to put pieces of the jigsaw
the answer could be then from the experience, even if it puzzle together.
HEALER – Crystal, Reiki, Theta, Shamanic
Author of Palmistry Power
Skype, Phone or Face-to-Face Readings
ANNA COMERFORD Phone: 0401 074 701