Page 14 - International Psychics Directory 2017
P. 14
and Validation
by Katy-K
or many years, I came easy to me as it was Jacobs. For the whole week, Later that same year, at Paul’s
doubted whether something I was not used to. we met every morning before recommendation, I went back
I was actually The only form I knew was class and meditated for thirty to The Arthur Findlay College
connecting to the from self-help books and minutes. At Paul’s meditation to attend his advanced course.
Fspirit world and audios of guided meditations. session, he would sit at the This time I was blessed to
wondered if my ‘guides’ were When endeavouring front of the room and watch have Dr Brian Robertson as
just my subconscious mind to meditate without the to ensure we sat in stillness my tutor. Brian is from Canada
telling me what I wanted to convenience of a guided with no movement and in and a lovely gentle soul. The
hear or know. I was reluctant meditation, I would close total silence. We were led to other students talked about
to take my ability seriously my eyes and see nothing … believe that non-attendance his amazing healing powers
and would think: what if I am nothing but darkness. Then would not reflect well on us, so I looked forward to having
just wasting my time and not I would start wondering how so each day I would dutifully him as a tutor. In one of his
really achieving anything? much longer I would have attend. classes he took us through a
To say I was sceptical is an to sit there for. If I couldn’t meditation that led us down a
understatement, but doubt even meditate, how could I The first day was the hardest misty path to settle on a bench
didn’t stop the messages be connecting to my guides of all. I really didn’t know what in a park. When the mist
from coming. Unless I was and how could I make any I was supposed to do while cleared, you would be able
convinced the information spiritual progress? sitting in silence with just my to see a loved one from the
was truly from spirit, how thoughts, but I just went with spirit world sitting opposite you
could I trust or be guided I wanted evidence that the it wondering how long I had on that bench. I went into this
by it? But then, to reject information I was receiving been sitting there and how meditation easily and as the
messages that were from a was from outside of myself much longer I would have to mist cleared I saw a middle-
wise and loving source would and I asked my guides to be tortured! I was scared I’d aged man as real as could be.
be just as foolish as blindly prove themselves. I also nod off to sleep and didn’t
accepting my own thoughts wanted to know I had the truly relax. But as the week ‘Who are you?’ I asked. I
as higher guidance. ability to meditate and that went on I became more probably should have said
my efforts were not just a comfortable and actually hello first!
Meditation is an awareness waste of time. I was prepared grew to enjoy time out from
tool. It can help us to to give my guides and the world, and I faithfully ‘I am your grandfather,
know our minds and better meditation the opportunity promised myself I would William,’ he replied.
distinguish between the to provide the proof I was continue this practice every
thoughts and impulses that looking for, once and for all. day for the rest of my life. I didn’t know him, but I thought
are coming from ourselves So, I enrolled in a course at But it didn’t happen! Whilst he looked a little like my dad
and the messages or The Arthur Findlay College in I had good intentions, I had and a little like my husband’s
inspiration that might drift the UK. a young family in the house Uncle Harry. I was well over
in from an external source. and there would always forty years of age but had
At least, that is what I had My first course was with be something else more never seen a photo of my
read. Meditation never really talented medium, Paul pressing. grandfather—and didn’t know
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