Page 9 - International Psychics Directory 2017
P. 9



       or Prediction?

       by Narelle Scurr  |  Illustrations by Aaron Pocock

                    hen you      meteorologist uses maps and
                    guess how    scientific data to tell us about
                    something    the possibility of rain, snow or
                    is going to   sunshine.
       Wturn out (or
       how something happened),   A psychic can make a
       that’s speculation. You’re   prediction using their
       making an educated guess.   clairvoyant or psychic abilities
       When people predict who   and skills. When I started
       will win a football game,   to write about this subject, I
       an Oscar or an election,   made the prediction that you
       it’s speculation: people are   would understand what the
                                 word meant, and it was based
       looking at the facts and   on instinct, a gut feeling or
       making their best guesses.   my higher self telling me what
       Just about anything you   would happen next.
       say about the future is
       speculation because
       no one knows what will    How to Tune in to
       happen — or do they?
                                 your Higher Self —        feels right to make yourself   you need from your psychic
       I have a prediction. You’ll   in Four Easy Steps    comfortable. It is important   self right now and form a
       know what this word means                           that you clear your mind of   question in your mind. Make
       by the time you finish reading   — when Making a    any lingering thoughts or   the question clear and be
       this explanation. A prediction   Psychic Prediction   feelings that might be holding   specific so you understand
       is what someone thinks                              you back or distracting your   when your question is
       will happen. A prediction                           focus.                    answered. Vague questions
       is a forecast, but not only   1. Centre yourself                              will produce unclear
       about the weather. ‘Pre’                                                      answers. Try to keep it fairly
       means before and ‘diction’   When connecting with your   2. Ask the           simple at first as you are
       has to do with talking. So   higher or psychic self, you   question           initially looking for a starting
       a prediction is a statement   need to create some time                        place that you can explore
       about the future. It’s a guess,   in a peaceful environment   What is it you want to know?   further later on.
       sometimes based on facts or   where you will not be   This is the point when you
       evidence, but not always. A   disturbed. Do whatever   should think about what   Whatever your question,

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