Page 8 - International Psychics Directory 2017
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peacemakers, there would empath, but the rewards are can do that. Connection to feel blessed, then life feels
be no war, poverty or infinite as intuition is also source energy is unlimited. much easier and you notice
hunger. If our leaders were magnified. Spiritual wisdom the blessings in life.
highly sensitive empaths, and understanding are also Continually being on
government policies would valuable traits of an empath. guard because we are Empaths are often selfless
be more equitable and Is the opposite of empathy programmed to think that counsellors, healers,
compassionate, and a narcissism? dark energies, entities, psychics, mediums, and
strong empathic leader psychic attack, curses or service and community
may have the courage to Although empaths have hexes can negatively impact workers. When focusing on
advocate for the vulnerable superhero feeling powers on our health, wealth and service and not self-service
in our communities, not the they do not need to save happiness is a belief system for the collective oneness,
powerful corporations. the universe. It is impossible that does not serve anyone. there is no room for self-
It breeds fear and results absorbed fearful feelings
in psychic exhaustion. or thoughts of how is this
Compassionate empaths can Energetically adding to this affecting me? There is only
belief creates disharmony love. In other words, empaths
lead others to a peaceful way and in some cases mental who are not focusing on
disorders. Feeding the fear how things are affecting
of resolving conflict creates separateness; it’s themselves are able to be
all an illusion, so don’t buy empathic to another person.
into it.
Energy is not positive or anyway, as everyone has Attachment is an intentional
negative, it is simply energy. their own destiny, unique This fear impacts on our concept. If you view the
There is no good, bad, journey and life experiences. mental, emotional, spiritual world with detachment,
right, wrong, light or dark Although empaths usually and physical wellbeing. not judgement, there
energy. There is simply only have loving intentions and Living in a constant state of will be no need to block
energy. Learning to observe an honourable desire to paranoia only attracts more or protect yourself from
energies with detachment help, it’s pretty unrealistic, things to be fearful of, but unwanted energies. LOVE
and without judgement and in some cases, let’s be this is only cause and effect, and compassion is highly
prevents a fear of absorbing honest, arrogant to assume nothing more sinister. transmutative.
unwanted energies. Balance they need to save all the
is key to understanding wounded souls.
this. We need darkness, Empath affirmation: I feel
as in night, as much as we Practising extreme self-care
need light, as in day, and and love is imperative for happiness when I am able
one is not better or worse anyone, especially empaths.
than the other. Sadness Meditation, grounding and to experience another’s
and anger expressed in a mindfulness practices are
healthy way is not negative helpful to maintain optimum feeling without becoming
or bad, it is just expression strength and energy.
of feelings. Expressing, not Empaths often love to help, attached to it.
supressing, feelings in a heal and give; these are
productive format is essential strengths not weaknesses.
for emotional and physical Having healthy boundaries In other words, karma is Empath affirmation: I feel
health. and learning to say no is just cause and effect, not happiness when I am able to
another prerequisite for a curse, punishment or experience another’s feeling
As an empath, it is helpful empaths. The gift of free will retribution. What you put without becoming attached
to be discerning about ensures this, it is a choice. out into the universe is what to it.
what your energy is and you get back. Thoughts,
what someone else’s is We all have access to feelings and words become Personally, I feel deeply and
and remembering that it unlimited source energy; a vibration. If you think you’re I would not have it any other
is simply just energy. If we cannot rely on others for cursed, then you act like you way.
you physically experience this. Our own fears can be are, and life feels stressful.
another’s physical or debilitating and may even You look for clues that you
emotional pain, with strong temporarily paralyse the are doomed to validate
intention, surrender and stream of source energy, your fears and prove your
release it. Empaths also which may leave us feeling theory. There is no personal Suzy Cherub
feel strongly another’s joy, anxious and drained. Others responsibility either, it’s The Psychic Coach
peace and love. Feeling cannot shut off our supply always the hex. But if you
can be amplified for an to universal love, only we have a grateful heart and
Amie Vello Hi my name’s Amie! I have always had the gift of clairvoyance and mediumship, but started
using it more acutely after my son passed. I have been a professional medium for eleven years. I
Accuracy for Past, read photos, jewellery, and do face-to-face, phone and email readings*. Connect with me on my
Present and Future website where you will find links to my Facebook and Twitter accounts as well as client testimonials.
I am in a wheelchair and working with spirit is so rewarding. I look forward to hearing from you.
Blair Athol, SA Fantastic as always - Very switched on - Very helpful information - Very honest - Amazing
Phone: +61 408 806 778 Made me cry - What a gift! - Everything that was said was spot on - Really touched my heart Big eye opener - Will definitely be coming back - Just what I needed - OMG! How amazing! * Email and phone readings start at $90. Paid in advance via PayPal to