Page 5 - International Psychics Directory 2017
P. 5
IPA in Review
Hiromi Mitsuya
he Australian
Psychics Florence King.
Association Photo by Stuart Spence
(APA) was
Tfounded in 1983
and expanded to become
the International Psychics
Association (IPA) in 2013.
The IPA continues the
tradition and vision of the
APA by acknowledging
psychic ability is real and
promoting guidelines for
professional and ethical
conduct for psychic
practitioners. The IPA is
regularly contacted by
people looking for the ‘right’
psychic. This ranges from
members of the public who Stephen Price, Zoe Dorian, Suzie Price, Hiromi Mitsuya
and Joy Atkinson at the 2016 IPA Awards Dinner.
are wanting a reading and
businesses wanting psychics
for a corporate event to the IPA Awards Dinner. It is Turnbull’s birthday, then CODE OF ETHICS
journalists and media agents available to view on the ABC2 republished two days after my
wanting input for articles website till 4 January 2017. birthday in 2016. I feel this is 1. Members should give
or for psychics to appear in * * * confirmation from Simon that psychic advice as responsibly
television programs. It is our he is helping spread the IPA’s and accurately as possible.
task to recommend the best In early May 2016, the IPA was message to more people.
psychic for each occasion. contacted by CNBC in the USA 2. Advice should be without
with regards to an article on * * * judgement, in the best
* * * financial fraud: They Saw Them An article published in The interests of the client and not
The IPA was contacted by Coming: Five Outrageous Sydney Morning Herald in imply 100% accuracy.
a Japanese TV station (TV Psychic Scams by Scott Cohn. October 2016 questioned
Asahi) on Christmas Day The cases of fraud covered why more people than ever 3. Readings may make
in 2015. They produced a and highlighted the need to are going to psychics and reference to legal and medical
special investigative program raise people’s awareness of fortune tellers. The IPA was issues but are not to give legal
using three international what they should or should not approached for comment and or medical advice.
mediums including Debbie expect from a psychic. Here is the full article, Into the mystic: 4. Members are to charge
Malone, the recipient of the an extract from the article: Why more people are going to
2013 Australian Psychic of psychics than ever before, by reasonable consultation fees
the Year Award. The program For those of us who remain Samantha Selinger-Morris, is for their psychic work.
featured a missing persons skeptical, there are actually available to read at http://www. 5. Members will respect the
case Debbie assisted with and organizations that claim to privacy of their clients and
was aired in January 2016 in promote and enforce ethical relationships/into-the-mystic- offer a confidential service.
Japan. It is available to view standards among psychics. why-more-people-are-going-
on YouTube—in Japanese. to-psychics-than-ever-before- 6. Members will respect the At the top of its 8-point code 20161019-gs6ga4.html. free will of all individuals and
of ethics, the Australia- will not offer to influence
* * * based International * * * another against their will, such
The documentary, Psychics in Psychics Association says If you would like to connect as promising to bring a person
the Suburbs, aired on ABC2 in its members ‘should give with a psychic in your area to love them.
November 2016. Produced by advice as responsibly and for readings or to attend any
Media Stockade and featuring accurately as possible.’ classes being offered, visit 7. Members will not promote
Florence King, the program www.internationalpsychics nor offer to remove curses nor
looked at the business of You can read the full article You can the effects of other maleficent
being a psychic medium. online at http://www.cnbc. search our Members Directory magic.
The documentary followed com/2016/07/27/they-saw- by postcode which makes it
Florence King’s work for a year them-coming-five-outrageous- easier to find the right psychic 8. Psychic services should
following her receipt of the psychic-scams.html. in your area. Before seeing a only be given to persons
2014 Psychic People’s Choice psychic, it is wise to read the eighteen years or over unless
Award. The documentary This article was published IPA Code of Ethics so as you permission is given by a
contains some scenes from online on the day after Simon know what to expect. parent or guardian. 5