Page 20 - International Psychics Directory 2017
P. 20




            and ME

            By Kawena

                                                s there is an    angel oracle cards when,   or full stops and I have to
                                                incredible surge   the first time it happened,   do all that at the end. Thank
                                                of angel energy   I was sitting, watching TV   God I’ve learned to keep a
                                                back in full force   and saw a movement on my   notepad and book next to
                                       Ato help bring            left side. On turning, I saw   me. Sometimes I’m woken
                                       more love, kindness and   a Chinese gentleman sitting   up at 3 am in the morning
                                       peace to the world, I have   on the lounge. His green   to hear more information. In
                                       been guided for the very   and gold brocaded jacket   the middle of winter once,
                                       first time to write about my   was stunning. His head was   I tried to use a torch under
                                       angel experiences. I realise   quite bald but for a long   the blankets because I didn’t
                                        this is an unusual story and   plait around his shoulder   want to get out of that warm
                                        not everyone’s cup of tea,   and down his chest. It’s not   bed!
                                             but it is mine.     easy to explain, but I heard
                                                                 and sensed in my head him   Another thing I have learned
                                                                 telling me, ‘I am your main   is that every time I get
                                                                 angel. I have been with you   goosebumps it’s an angel’s
                                                                 from the day you were born.’   way (or the universe’s way)
                                                                 I asked for his name and   of saying yes to a question
                                                                 straight away I got, ‘ALIEL. I   or situation. Goosebumps
                                                                 am your protector and guide.’  are always positive, never
                                                                                           negative. I sometimes get a
                                                                 WOOSH! He disappeared     few during readings or while
                                                                 and I haven’t seen him since,   mentoring. At different times
                                                                 but when I need guidance   I have felt them along my
                                                                 I hear his distinctive voice   arms, or from my shoulders
                                                                 in my head. Strangely     down my whole body, or
                                                                 enough, my other two angel   even starting from the back
                                                                 encounters also occurred   of my neck to the top of my
                                                                 when I was watching TV.   head. So, dear reader, when
                                                                                           you get ‘the goosies’, maybe
                                                                 I’m often asked how I know   it’s a sign you are on track.
                                                                 that angels are speaking   Your angels could be trying
                                                                 to me and that it’s not my   to get your attention in a
                                                                 imagination. The answer is   positive way.
                                                                 these three angel voices are
                                                                 exactly the same in that they   I will say here, sometimes it
                                                                 are nothing like mine or any   is a very strange feeling, a
                                                                 other voice I have ever heard   little like the eerie still silence
                                                                 in my life.               I have experienced with near
                                                                                           accidents. It’s almost as if
                                                  I have had     When I need help or       time stands still. I have to
                                                  three angel    guidance, I have learned   admit I have an extremely
                                                  visions and    through experience to     different life to the general
                                                  not one        sit quietly after my daily   eighty-eight year old, but I’m
                                                 angel had       meditation and have pen   happy about that.
                                                 wings, which    and paper ready to write
                                                was quite a      down information so I don’t
                                                disappointment   forget the messages. This is   Read more of Kawena’s
                                                to my human      when they help bring in my   experiences in her new book,
                                                 side. I had only   weekly wisdoms. Sometimes   Angels, Goosebumps and Me.
                                                 just recently   affirmations come through.   Find more information at www.
                                                 changed from    The words come through
                                                  reading tea    so fast I can’t stop to think
                                                  leaves to      about where to put commas

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