Page 26 - International Psychics Directory 2017
P. 26


            Product Review

            The Rhythm of Life

            an Oracle by Narelle Scurr,

            2014 Australian Psychic of The Year

                   hirty-six           Everything about this deck,   most need to hear. Receive
                   inspirational       from the rainbow pastels   daily guidance for yourself,
                   messages to         to its silky feel, is soft and   clarify specific issues or gift
            Treconnect you to          sensual. The cards are    someone with a random
            the rhythm of your life.   comfortable to hold and   message.
            Each card features easy-   shuffle smoothly without
            to-understand rhyming      flying out of your hands. The   $29.95 per set (includes
            verse, carefully crafted to   deck’s remarkable simplicity   postage within Australia)
            stimulate and move you to   and effectiveness is due
            deeper understanding—it’s   to Narelle’s wide-ranging   Order your set or find your
                                                                 nearest stockist at www.
            as if you can breathe in   technical skills and many
            their meaning. The cards   years of refining and honing
            are titled, numbered and   her ability.
            accompanied by a forty-
            two-page guidebook         Think of a question, focus   Follow The Rhythm of
            that offers more in-depth   your energy within and   Life oracle on Facebook
            explanations of the        choose one or more cards   at
            messages.                  to reveal the messages you   TheRhythmOfLifeOracle/

                            Returning to Australia for a SEVENTH Year

              Two MediuMs, Two worlds

                        World-renown, UK Spirit Medium, Tony Stockwell will be joining
              Sydney-based medium and author, Louise Hermann for an evening of mediumship.
             Tony is known for his television shows including Psychic Detectives and Sixth Sense
                               and has demonstrated across the UK, Europe and US.
                                Join Tony Stockwell and Louise Hermann

                                    Both Tony and Louise endeavour to provide you with
                                    comfort that your loved ones do survive the process
                                     of physical death and continue to live on in spirit.
                                        Date: Friday 24th March 2017
                                    Time: Seating from 6:30pm for a 7pm start.
                                           Venue: The Crows Nest Centre,
                                             2 Ernest Place, Crows Nest.
                                            Cost: $55.00 Limited Seating.
                                                  Tickets On Sale at

                                            Please note: There are no guarantees on readings for the
                                                evening as this is determined by the spirit world.
                                             For more information on Louise or Tony, please go to
               Celebrating more than 600 events of “Connecting with the other side: Louise Hermann Live”
                  Louise is touring to Sydney, Adelaide, Newcastle, Brisbane, Hobart and More in 2017.
            For info and event registration email or visit

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