Page 2 - TDT1_Task1_final 6.15
P. 2
Website Creation Process
Task 1: Website
Task 1 as defined, requires the individual to produce and exportable instructional and
professional product utilizing various integrated application programs. As the student in this
instance, I will design and build a website creating an e-portfolio. The developmental plan
consists of four deliverables. Ultimately the elements gathered and housed on the website will
include distinct technology development design tasks. The initial task, task one, is to create a
shell of an original website which I will use to consolidate all elements of the four-part project.
Each task will be viewable separately, however; each element and or page of the website will
complement the final e-portfolio as a whole.
Background- Story
As a seasoned of the financial services industry and learning program manager mentor
(LPM) charged with the responsibility of designing, developing and the facilitation of learning
resources. Simultaneously providing consultative services for client development as needed. As a
student in the Design Portfolio course (TDT1) and by the stated course competency, I will
produce exportable instructional professional products, the underlying objective. The
compilations of materials highlighted within the portfolio serve dual purposes.
First and most is to adhere to the requirements outlined in the Technology Design
Portfolio course (TDT1) at WGU, displaying examples of technology resources
created and or assembled by myself.
The second purpose, related to sharpening skill set, is to assemble resources,
provide a consultative voice when engaged in the discussion related to the