Page 6 - TDT1_Task1_final 6.15
P. 6
Once logged in, the choice of creating a website which allows individuals interested in selling
products on the website to do so by creating an e-commerce store by merely clicking yes. The
choice of website design varied and by only selecting, not now the available choices would
The next step involves my decision to build my website using a customized template or start
fresh with a blank landing page. I chose the latter. I was specifically interested in the portfolio
theme, as such; I began my search within the portfolio gallery. As you will see, the ribbon
located on the top portion of the theme landing page displays theme categories. I had a variety
of template choices; I ultimately selected a layout that proved to be most favorable to my
websites’ purpose. Several layouts were available and after consideration the template layout
entitled “Leaps & Bounds”, proved to be the best choice. One important aspect of the theme
selection process, options are clearly identifiable.