Page 3 - TDT1_Task1_final 6.15
P. 3
designed and development of learning resources to assist clients and collogues.
The website will provide a pathway to alternative learning management systems,
suggest resources which assist in building course and support learner
developmental needs. On prescribed web pages, find print instructional
materials, graphics instructional materials, and multimedia resource
materials. Please comment, provide feedback, or inquire into future collaboration
if anything that stimulates curiosity!
Website Development Plan
The initial step when considering the process to create a website is a well thought out
plan. I began the process by reviewing the assigned web development readings and tutorials on
web-design software located on the website as noted. After which, I decided,
comparing the two platforms using criteria which would be most expeditious in developing,
editing and yes, hosting websites. The following web-design software applications have online
Google Sites
After comparing Google and Weebly platforms, the winning decision based upon an important
criterion. Choose the path of an inexperienced website designer. Both Google Sites and Weebly
offer very similar functionality. Weebly is straightforward to use and enables the creation of