Page 239 - Aida Hovsepian Onboarding
P. 239


            The Administration team is                         creating an operations dashboard to measure critical day-to-
            responsible for support functions at               day activities.
            the Co-op, including cost management reporting,
            program management, information technology, data analytics,   Improving Member communication was an objective in 2017,
            process improvement, communications, membership services,  resulting in a completely revamped website and new mobile
            accounting, finance, auditing, compliance, and human   application.  These tools were developed with the most recent
            resources. The team also manages third-party vendors who   technologies, providing us a means for maintaining and
            provide additional services in these areas.        updating the content at a moment’s notice.  The Pancake
                                                               Supply Chain Co-op Board of Directors and the Board
            Significant strides were made this year towards realizing our   committees also met throughout the year to provide oversight
            vision of end-to-end supply chain visibility.  The groundwork   and guidance on the Co-op’s activities to ensure proper
            was laid for a true business intelligence platform that   alignment with Member interests. Membership was kept
            combines cloud computing with our access to system-wide   informed through weekly Co-op newsletters and special news
            supplier, distributor, and restaurant data.  This new flexible   blasts.
            approach to aggregating data across multiple sources not
            only enhances internal processes, it enables the capability
            to provide information to our Members in a relevant, easy-
            to-use format.   Connecting point-of-sale data with Brand
            recipes is our first priority, creating the link between a plate   We are developing
            sale, its ingredients, and the impact to the supply chain.
            Once completed, this will unlock new potential for demand/         and executing policies,
            supply planning, inventory management, and vendor                practices, and procedures
            partner collaboration.  All of this requires data warehousing,   that proactively manage the
            connectivity, and normalization, all of which have been the
            focus for 2017.                                             data lifecycle needs of CSCS and
                                                                        its Members, with a primary
            As our dependence on multiple data sources grows, so does
            the need for managing the quality of that data.  Last year   objective being overall data
            marked a turning point in our approach to data management,   quality measured by accuracy
            taking what used to be ad-hoc processes and incorporating   and timeliness.
            them under a more formal program led by the Analytics team.
            We are developing and executing policies, practices, and
            procedures that proactively manage the data lifecycle needs
            of CSCS and its Members, with a primary objective of overall
            data quality measured by accuracy and timeliness.  In addition, in 2017 we successfully managed to completion
                                                               the Member financing program that was put in place in 2015,
            Workforce dynamics are changing, and there is no shortage   maintained several distributor programs to ensure balanced
            of expert opinions on what to do about it.  CSCS made several   pricing was realized across all Members, received clean audit
            changes in 2017 to respond to these evolving needs, perhaps   opinions for the ninth year in a row, tackled hundreds of
            the biggest being a change from an annual performance   information technology requests, conducted our fifth annual
            review cycle to “real-time feedback.”  By eliminating the   employee engagement survey, conducted our sixth annual
            annual review and the employee ratings that went along with   Member Maniac week, maintained 99.3% membership in the
            it, we have enabled our managers to provide more direct   Pancake Co-op, and the list goes on. In addition to the team’s
            coaching in the moment, without the emotional overhead of   daily responsibilities, we are looking forward to 2018 and
            assigning and defending a performance rating.  Along with this  the opportunities to continuously improve our processes and
            change, we implemented additional best practices for focusing  programs resulting in increased value for our Members.
            our strategic plan on only “Wildly Important Goals” while

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