Page 429 - Aida Hovsepian Onboarding
P. 429
2/28/2018 CSCS Record Retention and Disposition Schedule
Product Data Sheet (Exhibit 1,
14. PDS 2009 - 2014 None Electronic Business Shared Drive None per contract term per contract term Destroy securely BP 30 Price Maintenance
7 7
(after expiration) (after expiration)
15. RFP Documents Calendar, Award Letters, CM's 2007 - current None Electronic Business HAVI None Destroy securely BP 520 Supplier Contract Based on IRS
RFP Analysis Workpapers Permanently Permanently Management Guidelines
(for effective (for effective
contracts) contracts)
Shared Drive and Supplier Contract
16. CIR Cost Impact Reports 2007 - 2014 None Paper & Electronic Business None 3 3 Destroy securely BP 520
File Cabinets Management
17. Commodity Database Supplier Contract
Report Commodities review note 2007 - current None Electronic Business Shared Drive None 3 3 Destroy securely BP 520 Management
Based on State of
Missouri's record
18. Correspondence with Emails or letters to and from Personal Email All procurement retention policies
members members 2009 - current Continuously Email, Word, PDF, Excel Business MRM Folder 1 3 Destroy securely BP 100 - BP 660 business processes
Member Relationship