Page 427 - Aida Hovsepian Onboarding
P. 427

2/28/2018                              CSCS Record Retention and Disposition Schedule
 Purpose of Existence  Minimum   Maximum   Business Process #
 Record Name  Record Description  Years Covered  Revision   Format  (Business, Litigation,   Main Location  Duplicate   Retention Period  Retention Period  Disposition   (CSCS Risk Control   Business Process  Further
 Frequency  Locations       Method     Description  Comments
 Compliance)  (in years)  (in years)  Matrix)
 [1]  [2]  [3]  [4]  [5]  [6]  [7]  [8]  [9]  [10]  [11]  [12]  [13]  [14]
 As needed (evergreen
 document, unless   7  7                      DE owns this
                                              document technically,
 three years pass
 Confidentiality agreement   without any exchange   (after expiration)  (after expiration)  so do we need to
 1. MCA/ROE  between vendor and   2009 - current  of confidential   PDF  Litigation  HAVI  Shared drive  Permanently  Permanently  Destroy securely  BP 100  New suppliers and   consult with them on
                                              how long to keep?
                                   BP 520
                                       supplier contracts
 DineEquity  information, at which
 point a new MCAROE   (for effective   (for effective   Should be removed
 would need to be                             from Shared drive
 Record of the information                    Based on the State of
 2. New Vendor Registration  vendor populated upon   2014 - current  Never  Electronic    Business  HAVI  None  1  3  Destroy securely  BP 100  New suppliers  Missouri's record
 registration in HAVI.  Litigation            retention guidelines
 Electronic record and   7  7
 PDF (PDF houses the   (after expiration)  (after expiration)  Based on IRS
 3. SSA and SSA-A  Contracts between the Co-op   As needed or upon   contract, but electronic  Business  Supplier Contract   Guidelines
 Contract Guidelines  and suppliers  2009 - current  expiration  signature is housed in   Litigation  HAVI  Shared drive  Permanently  Permanently  Destroy securely  BP 520  Management  Should be removed
 the electronic contract   (for effective   (for effective   from Shared drive
 record in HAVI)  contracts)  contracts)
                7      7
             (after expiration)  (after expiration)
 Evidence of insurance from   Business  BP 100  New Suppliers  Based on IRS
 4. Certificate of Insurance  2009 - current  Upon expiration  PDF  HAVI  None  Destroy securely
 suppliers  Litigation  Permanently  Permanently  BP 520  Supplier Contracts  Guidelines
              (for effective   (for effective
              contracts)  contracts)
 5. Price Listing Summary  Details of prices by DC and   Validate rolling   Monthly  Electronic  Business  HAVI  None  Data back-up policy  Data back-up policy  tbd  BP 30  Price Maintenance  Check HAVI's data
 items  24 month  Excel                       back-up policy
 6. Multi-period spend report  Details of spend (volumes and   Validate rolling   Continuously  Electronic  Business  HAVI  None  Data back-up policy  Data back-up policy  tbd  BP 30  Price Maintenance  Check HAVI's data
 $) by DC, operator, restaurant  24 month  Excel  back-up policy
                                              Supplier import and
 Excel files from suppliers   Validate rolling
 7. Supplier Pricing Import  contain pricing info  24 month  Periodically  Excel   Business  HAVI  None  Data back-up policy  Data back-up policy  tbd  BP 30  Price Maintenance  CM's work-flow
 Electronic record and   7  7
 PDF (PDF houses the   Shared drive, but   (after expiration)  (after expiration)
 to go ahead with contract or   As needed or upon   contract, but electronic  Business  would like to   Supplier Contract   Based on IRS
 8. Contract Review Notice  not (>500,000) before the RFP  2009 - current  expiration  signature is housed in   Litigation  HAVI  cease this   Permanently  Permanently  Destroy securely  BP 520  Management  Guidelines
 the electronic contract   practice  (for effective   (for effective
 record in HAVI)  contracts)  contracts)
                                              Based on State of
                                              Missouri's record
 9. QA Notifications (supplier  Notification from QA   In CMs' individual   retention policies
 approval big attachment in   regarding food quality issues,   2009 - current  Continuously  Email  Business  QA Database  personal email   1  3  Destroy securely  BP 100 - BP 660  All procurement
                                       business processes
 email and product approval)  facility audits, etc.  folders  This is a QA process,
                                              should be in QA
 10. Brand Correspondence                     Based on State of
 (w/ Finance, Culinary, etc.)                 Missouri's record
 decision making documents   Emails and letters to and from   2009 - current  Continuously  Email  Business  TBD  Personal Email   1  3  Destroy securely  BP 100 - BP 660  All procurement   retention policies---
 (price, quantity, approval/dis-  Brands  Folder  business processes  put somewhere easy
 approval)                                    to find (HAVI)
                                              Based on State of
                                              Missouri's record
 Emails and letters to and from               retention policies
 11. Supplier Correspondence suppliers regarding contracts,   2009 - current  Continuously  Email, Word, PDF, Excel  Business  TBD  Personal Email   1  7  Destroy securely  BP 100 - BP 660  All procurement   (HAVI)
                                       business processes
 products, issues, etc..
                                              Put end-results email
                                              in a folder
                                              Based on State of
                                              Missouri's record
 Personal Email
 Business                                     retention policies
 12. Key Worksheets (Formula-Worksheets to communicate   2009 - current  Continuously  Excel  Litigation  Folder  None  per contract term  per contract term  Destroy securely  BP 100 - BP 660  All procurement
 based balances, etc.)  price and volumes to suppliers  Protein   business processes  Business term
 Folder/Shared drive
                                              attached in HAVI/
       CMs' individual
 Contact Information for               All procurement
 13. Suppliers' Contacts  Suppliers  2013 - current  Continuously  Electronic  Business  HAVI 6  personal email   1  3  Destroy securely  BP 100 - BP 660  business processes
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