Page 422 - Aida Hovsepian Onboarding
P. 422
2/28/2018 CSCS Record Retention and Disposition Schedule
14. Commodity Research Findings from research projects Word ADMINISTRATION: Shared Point Procurement
Findings conducted for commodity and other 2014 - current Continuously PDF Business Shared drive Permanently Permanently None Procurement Processes Processes
James' personal
15. System Tutorials Tutorials for users 2015 - current Continuously Word Business folder on Lenexa CSCS's website Permanently Permanently None Admin process Admin process SharePoint or CSCS's
Excel website
drive (X:)
James' personal
All emails and passwords, call-in SharePoint or CSCS's
16. List of 365 Email Passwords number, access code, PIN 2015 - current Need-based Excel Business folder on Lenexa None Permanently Permanently None Admin process Admin process website
drive (X:)
List of computers, screens, and
17. Equipment List others, PO 2014 - current Need-based Excel Business SharePoint None 1 3 None BP 85 System
18. Supplier Connectivity
Spreadsheet Tracking sheet 2015 - current Need-based Excel Business SharePoint None 1 3 None Admin process Admin process
19. Supplier Connectivity Job- Job aids for suppliers to explain data Excel
aids field requirements, etc. 2014 - current Continuously PDF Business James' C: drive HAVI 1 3 None Admin process Admin process
20. HAVI login notification Havi's login guide 2015 -current Continuously Email Business James' C: drive Email 1 3 None Admin process Admin process
21. Company logos for Reception
Area's display Suppliers' logo for display 2015 - current Continuously PPT Business Shared drive None 1 3 None Admin process Admin process
drives, mal-ware removal tools,
22. Computer Software 2015- current Continuously Varied Business Shared drive None 1 3 Delete securely Admin process Admin process
23. Office 365 Transition Business
documents Documentation on transition 2015 - current One-time Word Litigation Shared drive None 1 3 Delete securely Admin process Admin process
Purpose of Existence Minimum Maximum Business Process # Business
Revision Other Disposition Further
Record Name Record Description Years Covered Format (Business, Litigation, Main Location Retention Period Retention Period (CSCS Risk Control Process
Frequency Locations Method Comments
Compliance) (in years) (in years) Matrix) Description
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14]
1. Newsletter Weekly newsletters to members 2015 - current Weekly Paper-based Business Jennifer's cube None 3 7 Destroy securely BP 1 Communication destroy pre-2013
Management papers
Member Based on the State of
2. Newsletter Weekly newsletters to members 2017 - current Weekly Emails Business Jennifer's emails None 3 3 Delete BP1 Communication Missouri's record
Management retention guidelines
web-based email Member Based on the State of
3. Newsletter Weekly newsletters to members 7/2017 - current Weekly Emails Business marketing platform None 3 TBD Delete BP1 Communication Missouri's record
(Mail Poet) permanently Management retention guidelines
Member Based on the State of
4. Newsletter Approvals Approval Emails 2017 - current Weekly Emails Compliance CSCS Help Desk None 3 3 BP1 Communication Missouri's record
permanently Management retention guidelines
2015 - Present & Based on the State of
5. Website Backup Documents that are added to the Archive Folder of Periodically Electronic Business The Co-op's website Website Folder TBD TBD TBD BP 2 Website Missouri's record
websites on Server Management
previous years retention guidelines
6. Membership Paperwork: Stock Jennifer's Cube - Based on the State of
certificate, Member Subscription Original Paperwork 2009 - current One-time Paper-based Business Membership Record None Permanently Permanently None BP 3 Membership Missouri's record
Agreement, W-9 Binders retention guidelines
7. Membership Paperwork: Stock Based on the State of
certificate, Member Subscription Electronic Scans of Paperwork 2009 - current One-time Electronic Business HAVI Operator/Sub- None Permanently Permanently None BP 3 Membership Missouri's record
Agreement, W-9 Litigation Operator Record Management retention guidelines
Server - Board of Based on the State of
Electronic Annual Election
8. 3rd Party Legal Proxy Review Election Certification Email 2014 - Current Annually (emails) Compliance Directors: Elections None 3 7 Destroy securely BP 4 Process Missouri's record
File retention guidelines
Based on the State of
9. Paper Proxy Scans Scans of completed paper proxies 2012 - Current Annually Electronic Compliance Shared drive None 3 7 Destroy securely BP 4 Annual Election Missouri's record
retention guidelines
Server - Board of Based on the State of
Report of proxies from Simply Voting Annual Election
10. Electronic Proxy Report 2014 - Current Annually Electronic Compliance Directors: Elections None 3 7 Destroy securely BP 4 Missouri's record
electronic system Process
File retention guidelines
Purpose of Existence Minimum Maximum Business Process # Business
Revision Other Disposition Further
Record Name Record Description Years Covered Format (Business, Litigation, Main Location Retention Period Retention Period (CSCS Risk Control Process
Frequency Locations Method Comments
Compliance) (in years) (in years) Matrix) Description
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14]
Validation for data, system & Generated from Destroy Data Integrity Based on the State of
1. Data Integrity Audits 2014 - Current Continuous Excel Business None 1 3 BP 15 (A) Missouri's record
reporting integrity system Permanently Audits
retention guidelines
Price Index
2. Price Index (Commodity (Commodity Used for year to year
pricing tracking and forecasting) Price Forecasting Tool 2009 - Current Continuous Excel Business Shared Drive None 3 7 None BP 15 (B) pricing tracking tracking / reporting
4 and forecasting)