Page 418 - Aida Hovsepian Onboarding
P. 418
2/28/2018 CSCS Record Retention and Disposition Schedule
Purpose of Existence Minimum Maximum Business Process # Business
Record Name Record Description Years Covered Revision Format (Business, Litigation, Main Location Duplicate Retention Period Retention Period Disposition (CSCS Risk Control Process Further
Frequency Locations Method Comments
Compliance) (in years) (in years) Matrix) Description
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14]
1. Bank Statements Bank statements for the Co-op's 2009 - 2015 Monthly Paper-based Business In Cindy's office None 7 7 Destroy securely BP 80 Bank Account Archive old
accounts Litigation Management documents
Bank statements for the Co-p's Business In Cindy's personal Bank Account Based on IRS
2. Bank Statements accounts 2016 Monthly PDF Litigation drive None 7 7 Destroy securely BP 80 Management Guidelines
3. Banking Signed Documents Documents from banks such as Bank Account Based on IRS
(copies) account info, authorizations, etc. with 2009 - current As needed Paper-based Business In Cindy's office Bank 7 7 Destroy securely BP 80 Management Guidelines
CEO or CFO's signatures
Business In Cindy's personal Finance & Based on IRS
4. Financial Statements Financial statements of the Co-p 2009 - current Annually PDF Compliance drive Crowe-Horwath Permanently Permanently None BP 50 - BP 60 Accounting Guidelines
Third-party audit results of the Co- Business In Cindy's personal Finance & Based on IRS
5. Auditor's reports 2009 - 2015 Annually PDF Crowe-Horwath Permanently Permanently None BP 50 - BP 60
op's financial statements Compliance drive Accounting Guidelines
6. Audit workpapers Workpapers prepared & provided to 2009 - 2015 Annually Various Business In Cindy's personal Crowe-Horwath 7 7 Destroy securely BP 50 - BP 60 Finance & Based on IRS
auditors Compliance drive Accounting Guidelines
Quarterly/ Business Finance & Based on IRS
7. Corporate taxes Corporate tax returns 2009- 2015 Monthly Paper-based Compliance In Cindy's office Crowe-Horwath 7 7 Destroy securely BP 50 - BP 60 Accounting Guidelines
8. Payroll taxes IRS Forms-940 and 941; Missouri, 2009 - 2015 Quarterly/ Paper-based Business Infosync None 7 7 Destroy securely BP 50 - BP 60 Finance & Based on IRS
California, Arizona returns Monthly Compliance Accounting Guidelines
9. Corporate VISA purchasing Commerce
cards (statements, fees, cards, Commerce Bank corporate card June 2011 - current Monthly Paper-based Business In Cindy's office Bank's online 7 7 Destroy securely BP 50 - BP 60 Finance & Back-up expenses
administration) website
10. Budgeting workpapers Budget template 2011 - current Annually Excel Business In Cindy's office None 3 3 Destroy securely BP 50 - BP 60 Finance & Missouri Standards
11. Cash management (cash
budget, cash flows from all Managing cash deposit, cash sources 2011 - current Daily Excel Business In Cindy's personal Infosync 3 3 Destroy securely BP 50 - BP 60 Finance & 5 different
Business In Cindy's & Finance &
12. Business Insurance Corporate costs and coverages 2009 - current Annually Paper-based IMA Corporation 3 3 Destroy securely BP 50 - BP 60 Missouri Standards
Compliance Dustin's offices Accounting
13. Passwords to Websites In Cindy's personal In Dustin's Finance &
(401K, banks, etc.) List of websites' passwords Current As needed Word Business drive personal drive None None None BP 50 - BP 60 Accounting
14. Missouri work customized
training program (paperwork, PDF Business State of Finance & Based on IRS
spreadsheet, yearly report, Applications, awards, and invoicing 2011 - current Annually Excel Compliance In Cindy's office Missouri's 7 7 Destroy securely BP 50 - BP 60 Accounting Guidelines
reporting for Missouri quality database
Details of patronage amounts to In Cindy's personal Finance & Based on Federal
15. Patronage reports members and stores 2009 - current Annually Excel Business drive None 7 7 Destroy securely BP 50 - BP 60 Accounting Guidelines
Business In Cindy's personal Based on Federal
16. 1099 forms for patronage 1099 PATR 2009 -current Annually PDF Crowe-Horwath 7 7 Destroy securely
Compliance drive Guidelines
Details of sourcing amounts from In Cindy's personal Vendors' Finance & Based on Federal
17. Sourcing fee reports 2009 - current Continuously Excel Business 7 7 Destroy securely BP 50 - BP 60
vendors drive database Accounting Guidelines
18. Sourcing fee - Produce Details of sourcing amounts from 2013 - current Quarterly Excel Business In the shared drive Danaco 7 7 Destroy securely BP 50 - BP 60 Finance & Based on Federal
program vendors Accounting Guidelines
19. Member Financing HCWF Roll-out 2015 - current Monthly Excel Business In the shared drive None 7 7 Destroy securely BP 50 - BP 60 Finance & Based on Federal
Spreadsheet Litigation Accounting Guidelines
20. Spreadsheet for Conference Spreadsheet for attendance and 2009 - current Annually Excel Business In the shared drive 7 7 Destroy securely BP 50 - BP 60 Finance & Based on Federal
Fees money owed Accounting Guidelines
Finance & Based on Federal
21. PVA Invoicing Invoices to distribution centers 2009 - current Continuously Excel Business In the shared drive None 7 7 Destroy securely BP 50 - BP 60 Accounting Guidelines
In Cindy's personal Logistics Finance & Based on Federal
22. Rebates - Freight Details of rebates from DCs 2009 - current Quarterly Excel Business 7 7 Destroy securely BP 50 - BP 60
drive (Kristen's file) Accounting Guidelines
Finance & Based on Federal
23. Rebates - Revenues Details of rebates from suppliers 2009 - current Quarterly Excel Business In the shared drive None 7 7 Destroy securely BP 50 - BP 60
Accounting Guidelines
Details of rebates from equipment Finance & Based on Federal
24. Rebates - Equipment suppliers 2009 - current Quarterly Excel Business In the shared drive None 7 7 Destroy securely BP 50 - BP 60 Accounting Guidelines
CSCS Invoices/ DC invoices for
25. PEG Pricing Program difference between PEG and contract 2009 - current Monthly Excel Business In the shared drive None 7 7 Destroy securely BP 50 - BP 60 Finance & Based on Federal
Amounts owed to vendors (suppliers, In Cindy's personal Finance & Based on Federal
26. Accounts payable DCs, utilities, etc.) 2009 - current Daily Excel Business drive Infosync 7 7 Destroy securely BP 50 - BP 60 Accounting Guidelines
27. HAVI supplier and Invoicing of annual supplier fees and Annually & as- Finance & Based on Federal
connectivity one-time connectivity fees 2014 - current needed Excel Business In the shared drive None 7 7 Destroy securely BP 50 - BP 60 Accounting Guidelines
In Cindy's personal Finance & Based on Federal
28. Restaurant visitation Company's benefits 2009 - current Monthly Excel Business Susie's file 7 7 Destroy securely BP 50 - BP 60
drive Accounting Guidelines
Medical, dental, vision, life/ ADND, Business In Cindy's personal BCBS & Human Based on IRS
29. Employee Health Insurance 2009 - current Annually Various 7 7 Destroy securely BP 70 - BP 75
STD, and LTD Compliance drive Standard Resources Guidelines
In Cindy's personal Human Based on IRS
30. Payroll Report Payroll register 2009 - current Semi-monthly PDF Business drive Infosync 7 7 Destroy securely BP 70 - BP 75 Resources Guidelines
31. HAS report HAS contribution, list of employee 2009 - current Semi-monthly Paper-based Business In Cindy's office UMB Bank 7 7 Destroy securely BP 70 - BP 75 Human Based on IRS
and employer's contributions Resources Guidelines