Page 421 - Aida Hovsepian Onboarding
P. 421

2/28/2018                              CSCS Record Retention and Disposition Schedule
 32. FSA report  FSA contribution: list of employee's   2009 - current  Semi-monthly  Excel  Business  In Cindy's personal   TASC (3 party   7  7  Destroy securely  BP 70 - BP 75  Human   Based on IRS
 contributions  ADMINISTRATION: vendor)  Resources  Guidelines
 In Cindy's personal
 33. Long term incentive program Payment of LTIP  2009 - current  Annually  Excel  ACCOUNTING, FINANCE, AND HUMAN RESOURCES 7  7  Destroy securely  BP 70 - BP 75  Human   Based on IRS
 drive  personal drive                  Resources  Guidelines
 In Cindy's personal                    Human   Based on IRS
 34. Employee PTO schedule  Personal time-off balances  2009 - current  Semi-monthly  Excel  Business  drive  Ultipro  7  7  Destroy securely  BP 70 - BP 75  Resources  Guidelines
 35. Employee pay info - current   Business  Human   Based on IRS
 employees  Human Resources Info  2009 - current  Periodically  Database  Compliance  In Ultipro  In Cindy's office  Permanently  Permanently  None  BP 70 - BP 75  Resources  Guidelines
 36. Employee pay info -   Business     Human   Based on IRS
 terminated employees  Human Resources Info  2009 - current  Periodically  Database  Compliance  In Ultipro  In Cindy's office  7  7  None  BP 70 - BP 75  Resources  Guidelines
 37. Correspondence (emails in   Cindy's emails  2009 - current  Continuously  Electronic  Compliance  In Cindy's personal   None  7  7  None  None  None
 folders)  Litigation  email folder
 Purpose of Existence  Minimum   Maximum   Business Process #  Business
 Record Name  Record Description  Years Covered  Revision   Format  (Business, Litigation,   Main Location  Other   Retention Period  Retention Period  Disposition   (CSCS Risk Control   Process   Further
 Frequency  Locations       Method            Comments
 Compliance)  (in years)  (in years)  Matrix)  Description
 [1]  [2]  [3]  [4]  [5]  [6]  [7]  [8]  [9]  [10]  [11]  [12]  [13]  [14]
                                              Moving the
                                              documents from the
                                        HAVI - web-based shared drive to the
 1. Third-party data security and   Details of third-party internal control,   As long as the   As long as the   integrated supply  SharePoint
 retention policies  data system contingencies, retention,   2014 - 2015  Annually  Pdf  Compliance  Shared drive  SharePoint  contracts are in effect  contracts are in effect  Delete securely  BP 90  chain
 back-up                                management   Ask for similar
                                        system  policies from Office
                                              365, Co-sentry, SDMS,
                                              Fred and website.
                                        HAVI - web-based   Moving the
 2. Statement of Work (Original   Details of scope of work with third-  2013 - 2018  Periodically  Pdf  Business-related  Shared drive  SharePoint  As long as the   As long as the   None  BP 90  integrated supply   documents from the
 and Additions)  party system provider (HAVI)  Litigation  contracts are in effect  contracts are in effect  shared drive to the
                                        management   SharePoint
             As long as the   As long as the   Moving the
 3. Microsoft Office 365   Details of scope of work with third-  Business-related  contracts are in effect  contracts are in effect  documents from the
 Transition Agreement  party system provider (Authors/   8/2015 - 10/2015 One-time  Pdf  Litigation  Shared drive  SharePoint  or  7   or  7   Delete securely  BP 90  Other Systems  shared drive to the
            (after expiration)  (after expiration)  SharePoint
             As long as the   As long as the   Moving the
 4. Iasta Agreement  Details of scope of work with third-  2009 - 2014  Periodically  Pdf  Business-related  Shared drive  SharePoint  contracts are in effect  contracts are in effect  Delete securely  BP 90  Other Systems  documents from the
 party system provider (Iasta)  Litigation    shared drive to the
               7      7
            (after expiration)  (after expiration)  SharePoint
             As long as the   As long as the
            contracts are in effect  contracts are in effect  Moving the
 5. Rackspace Agreement  Details of scope of work with third-  2009 - 2015  Periodically  Pdf  Business-related  Shared drive  SharePoint  or   or   Delete securely  BP 90  Other Systems  documents from the
 party system provider (Rackspace)  Litigation  shared drive to the
               7      7
            (after expiration)  (after expiration)  SharePoint
             As long as the   As long as the
            contracts are in effect  contracts are in effect  Moving the
 6. Confidentiality Agreements  Suppliers agree to the Co-op's   2009 - 2015  One-time  Pdf  Litigation  Shared drive  SharePoint  or   or   Delete securely  BP 90  Other Systems  documents from the
 confidentiality terms and conditions         shared drive to the
               7      7
            (after expiration)  (after expiration)  SharePoint
 All data about items, stores,          Master Data   How long data is kept
 7. Data in HAVI  2014 - current  Continuously  Electronic  Business  HAVI  None  Permanently  Permanently  None  BP 95
 operators, transactions, pricing, etc.  Management  in the system?
 8. Formula-based Pricing   Balances of formula-based   Business  Supplier Contract  Based on IRS
 Balance Sheet  commodities are tracked  2012 - current  Monthly  Excel  Litigation  Shared drive  None  1  3  None  BP 520  Management  Guidelines
 9. Supplier Risk Management   Details of risk rankings and risk   2014 - current  Quarterly  Excel  Business  Shared drive  None  3  3  None  BP 520  Supplier Contract
 Analyses  screening for suppliers.  Litigation  Management
 Quarterly                              Cost Impact   Archive old
 10. Cost Impact Reporting  Cost savings and other impacts by CM  2009 - 2014  Excel, PDF  Business  Shared drive  None  3  3  None  BP 10
 Annually                               Reporting  documents
 Details of risks, control activities and   Business
 11. CSCS Risk and Control Matrix  2012 - current  Annually  Excel  Shared drive  None  Permanently  Permanently  None  All processes  All processes
 evidences for each business process  Compliance
 12. CSCS Internal Control Audit   Details of control environment, audit   Business
 Plan  methodology  2012 - current  Annually  Word  Compliance  Shared drive  None  Permanently  Permanently  None  All processes  All processes
 13. CSCS Code of Conduct  Details of guidance on code of   2007 - current  Periodically  PDF  Business  Shared drive  None  Permanently  Permanently  None  All processes  All processes
 conduct for all employees  Compliance
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