Page 542 - Aida Hovsepian Onboarding
P. 542
October [insert month]
November [insert month]
December [insert month]
January [insert month]
Section 7 - Volume Estimates.
Products may vary over the course of the Addendum Term based on customer demand and menu
[Choose one of the following clauses]
[ ] Volumes [CHOOSE ONE:[listed below] or [attached in Exhibit __]] are estimated for the
Addendum Term and may change based on promotions, menu changes, or other Brand initiated actions.
The Co-op shall make a good faith effort to communicate changes in estimated volume to Supplier in
Product Brand Item # Volume Estimates
[ ] Volume estimates are based on current run-rates. The Co-op will communicate anticipated changes
in volumes through demand plan updates.
State that estimates will not be provided.
State that estimates will not be provided unless usage is anticipated to increase or decrease with a
promotion or menu change, and will be communicated by CSCS via a demand plan.
Provide estimated volume overall, or by item.
Outline committed volume overall, or by item.
Outline how long the estimated/ committed volumes are valid.
Outline if estimated or committed volume has a +/- guarantee.
Outline consequence if committed or estimated volumes are not met.
Section 8 - Freight Definitions and Rate Adjustment Terms.
[Choose one of the following clauses]
[ ] Freight rates are fixed through the Addendum Term and set forth in the CPS.
[ ] Freight rates are fixed from the Effective Date through [month] [day], [year] and set forth in the CPS.
Thereafter, freight rates may be adjusted upon mutual agreement between Supplier and the Co-op.
How often can Supplier update Freight to Distributor rates?
How often can Supplier update Freight to Plant rates?
How is freight calculated?
If freight calculation is dependent upon a standard fuel price, what is it? How is the rate determined?
(i.e. EIA Fuel Index)
Route Delivery Program guidelines.
Section 9 - Administration Fees.
This Agreement may contain Products that are subject to administration fees (also known as ‘sourcing
fees’). FOB Prices for any such Products include these fees and are collected by Supplier and remitted
to the Co-op as directed by the CSCS Controller.