Page 544 - Onboarding May 2017
P. 544

Mileage from Distribution Center    Additional Fee Not to Exceed

                                            1 – 99                            $75.00
                                           100 – 250                          $125.00

                                          250 – over                     To be determined
                              10.6 Order Error by Distributor.
                     If Distributor fails to include an ordered Approved Product in an order or fails to deliver
                     the full quantity ordered and Operator indicates the Approved Product will be needed
                     before the next scheduled delivery, Distributor will promptly ship the Approved Product to
                     the Restaurant at Distributor’s expense using an expedited delivery method to arrive within
                     24 hours of notification.

                              10.7 Delivery Schedules.
                     The Delivery Driver will not deliver Approved Product during peak busy restaurant hours,
                     which are __________ to __________ (every day) or __________ to __________
                     (Monday through Friday) or __________ to __________ (Saturday and Sunday) unless
                     mutually agreed to by Distributor and Operator, or as otherwise specified by the Restaurant
                     (“Delivery Window Lockout”).  All deliveries must be fully completed before the
                     Delivery Window Lockout times.  A Restaurant is not obligated to accept deliveries during
                     the Delivery Window Lockout times unless authorized by the general manager of the
                     Restaurant.  If a Restaurant has special scheduling needs, the parties will address such
                     needs in good faith.  If a Delivery Driver arrives at a Restaurant more than one hour before
                     the scheduled delivery time, the Restaurant may accept the delivery or instruct the Delivery
                     Driver to return at the scheduled delivery time.

                              10.8 Unattended Deliveries.
                     Distributor and Operator will mutually agree on the method of unattended Delivery Driver
                     access.  Operator will provide keys and security codes for unattended deliveries.
                     Distributor will be responsible for expenses incurred by Operator to re-key door locks
                     when the required re-key change is caused as a results of Distributor action. Operator and
                     its employees, officers and directors are not liable for injury, illness or death to Delivery
                     Drivers arising from events during delivery, including without limitation, robberies,
                     attacks, kidnapping or hostage situations, except to the extent caused by the gross
                     negligence or willful misconduct of Operator, its employees, officers or directors.
                     Distributor will be responsible for any loss incurred by Operator or any fees charged by
                     police, fire or other municipal agencies due to a Delivery Driver’s failure to enter codes
                     correctly upon entry or exit.  Unattended deliveries cannot be made until all Operators
                     personnel have exited the restaurant.

                              10.9  Order Skip Days Allowed
                     Distributor is only allowed to require a maximum of one (1) skip day between order
                     placement and the order being received at the Restaurant.

                     For Monday deliveries, Distributor is not allowed to require an order lead time earlier than
                     4pm the previous Saturday.  Sunday order deadline will not be scheduled before 2:00 pm.
                     Operator will not be required to place orders more than 48 hours prior to the scheduled

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