Page 20 - July 2023 INET Magazine
P. 20

What if I told you that there are powerful programs within you that are
             thwarting your efforts to live that charmed life you pictured when you
             started your business? Would you be curious?

             Here’s the truth. Your past is going to create your future. It’s not
             your fault. The chances of making a major shift in your level of
             joy or income are slim without diving into what is driving you.

             You can force your way out of the rut for a short time, but the
             program is still running… along with the clock.

             To completely jump out of the rut, there needs to be a major

             overhaul. I have reduced the time frame of that overhaul
             from decades to days. My clients consistently increase
             their income quickly and begin to love their lives
             immediately. Imagine being the client that quadrupled to
             six figures a month in just four months.

             These are your first three points to begin shifting from
             deep inside the programming:

             1) Amused – stay in a state of amusement. People are funny
             creatures. Circumstances are ever changing. I suggest a
             constant state of pronoia – the belief that
             everything is conspiring FOR you and your benefit.
             Laugh at life. Laugh in general.

             2) Curious– adopt the curiosity of a small child.
             Always asking and exploring everything. The
             quality of your life is based on the quality of the
             questions you ask. There is always more to learn.
             It will also help keep you amused.

             3) Engaged – nothing good will appear if you are
             not engaged. Say yes to opportunities to connect.
             Say yes to mentoring others. Do the thing that
             scares you. You already know all growth is found
             outside your comfort zone.

             These three steps will have the effect of moving
              the needle internally so that you have more money
             and love your life. You can absolutely love your life
             and make more money. It’s called living CHARMED.

             Lauren Archibeque, The Growth Company
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