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Optimizing Customer
Experience Through
Active Listening
by Dr. Levi Nelson
Have you ever been in the middle of impact we have on others if you are not genuine. In fact,
of an exciting conversation and depends on the level at which we up to 90% of communication
been interrupted when the other fulfill these needs. is nonverbal. A person can feel
person answers the phone or either safe or insecure without
starts texting someone else? Active listening is about you saying a word. Help them
How does that make you feel? connecting with the person to feel safe by listening to them.
Are they really listening to you? in front of you. Show genuine When people are calm, they will
It is hard to want to continue empathy. Communicate one on make better decisions. Our brains
interaction with someone when one in a way that the person are designed to react emotionally
you do not seem valued, listened can understand and receive your first and justify decisions later.
to, or appreciated. message. Remember, confused minds
don’t buy!
One of the most common Often that starts with first finding
complaints that I get from new out where they are at and helping Be aware of different personality
clients coming to my office, them get to where they want to types and how each will respond
streaming in from other offices, be. In the words of Stephen R. to what you offer and the way
is that they did not feel heard. Covey, “Seek first to understand, you communicate. Some people
then to be understood.” want every detail, the more info
Nobody was willing to listen to the better. Some want very little
them. Listening is more than just information beyond knowing that
hearing words that people say. you can help them, as well as the
It may seem simple. Take the time Active listening involves eye time and the costs. Others are
to listen and your clients will show contact and confirming what curious as to how their decision
you what they need. Fulfilling you heard through follow-up will affect other people, while
the needs of more clients creates questions. Calm your mind, and some just want more freedom
growth. This is done one person focus on the person, not your and fun. Actively listening will
and one conversation at a time. sales pitch. It is more important help you to discern who you are
to be interested than interesting. working with and how you can
Anthony Robbins explains best help them get what they
that each human being has six Keep your posture in check. (I can need from the perspective of
basic needs: “Certainty, variety, help you with that.) Your words what they want.
significance, connection/love, may show interest, but your
growth, contribution.” The level body language will betray you