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Customer service really matters. not compromise your standards Upper Cervical Chiropractic. He
The first impression, and or require you to give goods believes that every child and
every one after that, has to be and services away for free. adult deserve to have their spines
an overwhelmingly positive Sometimes prospective clients checked for the devastating effects
experience. Bad experiences are not ready to buy now, allow of nerve interference. He strives
are most often shared, good them to leave with dignity. to empower individuals and their
experiences are forgotten, and families to live happy, healthy, and
exceptional experiences are Active listening is by far more fulfilling lives.
remembered which lead to important than advanced
referrals. degrees, business acumen, or
even a great product. Without Dr. Nelson earned his Doctor
Be sure that the people connecting to clients in a way of Chiropractic degree from the
interacting with your clients, that they receive your message, prestigious Palmer College of
whether employees or yourself, the business interaction becomes Chiropractic. He specializes in
have the right energy and a waste of time. Upper Cervical Care and is Webster
emotional intelligence to handle technique certified in order to
their job. The gatekeeper yields Interestingly enough, your better serve the prenatal, pregnant,
the power to set the stage for customers will be willing to drive and pediatric populations.
your entire customer experience further and spend more money
for better or worse. They can help when they feel heard. Dr. Nelson has been actively
clients feel at home and make listening to his patients for 9
business interactions delightful. I invite you to listen. years. He can be found at Begin
Conversely, your gatekeeper can Within Family Wellness, located
scare good clients away through Improve your business, your
brash words and offensive relationships, and your life. in Oldtown, Scottsdale. 7120 E
energy. When you fail to listen, Indian School Rd, Scottsdale, AZ
you lose money. Dr. Levi Nelson’s passion for 85251. 480-699-3086
helping others led him to become
Never match wits with a client... a Chiropractor. After suffering https://beginwithinscottsdale.
ever. Don’t make them wrong. from severe low back pain for over com
Keep communication agreeable. a decade, he found restored hope
This can be done in ways that do and complete healing through